Journals Online
Acta Theologica
Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs….
1. Manuscripts may be submitted to Acta Theologica in Afrikaans, English, Dutch or German and the preferred length is about 7000 words.
2. Manuscripts may be sent by ordinary post or by e-mail.
3. Manuscripts are to be submitted in the first instance ready for the press, in finally edited, stylistically polished and carefully proofread form.
4. Manuscripts are considered for publication provided that the editor reserves the right to make alterations as he deems fit to accommodate the style and presentation of articles to the editorial policy. Where major changes are necessary, the text will be returned to the author for correction or approval.
5. Source references in the text should preferably be in the Harvard style, using the author's surname only, as follows: (Coetzee 1986: 234-2450.
6. A complete bibliography in the Harvard style must be provided, giving all relevant details, in the form of an alphabetical list according to authors.
7. Authors are invited to submit the names, addresses and specialist fields of up to three persons (from institutions other than their own) as referees. The Editorial Board tries to use at least one of them. Refereeing is always anonymous.
8. The author of an article receives 10 reprints of his/her article as well as one free copy of the relevant issue of the journal.
Prof D F Tolmie, Acta Theologica, Fakulteit Teologie/Faculty of Theology,
Posbus/P O Box 339, 9300 Bloemfontein.
Tel (051) 401-2667. E-posadres/E-mail address: [email protected]
Publikasiehoof/Head of Publications
Mev/Mrs M-T Murray, Redaksiekantoor/Publications Office,
UV-Sasol-biblioteek/UFS-Sasol Library, Posbus/P O Box 301, 9300 Bloemfontein
Tel (051) 402-2351. E-posadress/E-mail address: [email protected]