African Journals Online
African Journal of Range & Forage Science

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VOLUME 19 (3) (2002)

JG Rodger and WC Twine                                                                                             131
Tree canopies facilitate invasion of communal savanna rangelands by Lantana camara


HA Snyman                                                                                                                  137
Fire and the dynamics of a semi-arid grassland: influence on soil characteristics


Lemma Gizachew, Adane Hirpha, Fikadu Jalata and GN Smit                             147
Mineral element status of soils, native pastures and cattle blood serum in the mid-altitude
of western Ethiopia


D Marais, NFG Rethman and JG Annandale                                                               157
Dry matter yield and quality of five annual subtropical fodder crops at different irrigation


Amsalu Sisay and RMT Baars                                                                                        161
Grass composition and rangeland condition of the major grazing areas in the mid Rift
Valley, Ethiopia


JF Theron, WLJ van Rensburg and HA Snyman                                                      167
The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on the nitrogen content of Lolium multiflorum
cv. Midmar


Short Communcation
LV Mabinya , JM Brand, JG Raats and WSW Trollope                                      175
Estimation of grazing by herbivores from analysis of dung





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