Journals OnLine
Agro-Science: Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment
and Extension
Instructions to authors…/ Instructions aux auteurs…
Agro-science is an international journal of high technical/intellectual quality, published twice per year (january and July). It is tropical in scope and has the following areas of focus: Crop Science; animal Science; Animal Health; Soil and Environment, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Home
Economics, Food and nutrition; Post Harvest Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization. The journal publishes original papers covering the areas of focus. Manuscripts should be in english, should be prepared double-spaced on one side of A4 paper. Manuscripts should be subdivided into: Introduction,
Materials and methods, Results and Discussion and should contain an Abstract that is not more than 250 words. Key words not exceeding (5) words should be included below the abstract.
Tables and Figures should be supplied on separate sheets. Photographs must be black-and white. Manuscript should be submitted in triplicate with the processing charge of N300, $10and $20 to be paid on submission by contributors from within Nigeria, other parts of Africa and outside Africa, respectively.
Similarly, there will be charge on of N500 and $40 per page for accepted articles from within Nigeria and foreign subscribers respectively. All payments are to be made in cash, cheque, bankdraft or by money transfer, made payable to AGROSCIENCE. All charges are subject to review. Accepted manuscripts will be returned to authors for final correction and resubmissions in 31/2" diskettes.
Annual subscription. Subscribers to the journal will received each volume of the journal (Numbers 1 and 2) by surface post, on the payment of the annual subscription of N750 within Nigeria and other parts of Africa and $90 outside Africa, annually.
All Correspondence to be direct to: Prof. G. Igboeli, Editor-in-chief, Dept. of animal Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Nigeria.