Journals Online
An Ethiopian birth cohort epidemiological study: to improve the health of children. | 1 |
Makonnen Asefa | |
Infant survivorship and occurrence of multiple-births: A longitudinal community-based study, south west Ethiopia. | 5 |
Makonnen Asefa, Fasil Tessema | |
Abstract | |
A birth cohort study in south-west Ethiopia to identify factors associated with infant mortality that are amenable for intervention. | 13 |
Makonnen Asefa, Robert Drewett, Fasil Tessema | |
Abstract | |
An Ethiopian birth cohort study: the study design. | 21 |
Makonnen Asefa, Robert Drewett, Jenny Hewison | |
Abstract | |
Traditional nutritional and surgical practices and their effects on the growth of infants in south-west Ethiopia. | 37 |
Makonnen Asefa , Jenny Hewison, Robert Drewett | |
Abstract | |
Mothers' health services utilization and health care seeking behavior during infant rearing: A longitudinal community based study, south west Ethiopia. | 51 |
Fasil Tessema, Makonnen Asefa, Fekadu Ayele | |
Abstract | |
Assessing the goodness-of-fit of the laird and ware model-an example: The Jimma infant survival differential longitudinal study. | 59 |
Emmanuel Lesaffre, Makonnen Asefa, Geert Verbeke | |
Abstract | |
Malnutrition and mental development: Is there a sensitive period? A nested case-control study. | 77 |
Robert Drewett, Dieter Wolke, Makonnen Asefa, Mirgissa Kaba, Fasil Tessema | |
Abstract |