African Journals Online
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....

Submitting articles for publication


Articles should not normally exceed 15 pages long (4000-4500 words); shorter articles such as research reports or comment are welcome. A manuscript should include a cover sheet indicating a name and address of the author(s) followed by a separate title sheet.

Number of Copies:

Send three hard copies and a disk to the Editor-in- Chief. The title of the article should be on the first page of the article and a separate page should show title, name(s) of authors, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. The disk should be 3.5" and labelled with the filename, operating platform (IBM compatible or Mac) and the software version, e.g. Microsoft Word.

Articles may also be sent through email attachments. Articles sent as attachments should be in Microsoft Word.


All Contributions are refereed or reviewed, and all are edited or revised for publication. The Editors reserve the right to make alterations without consulting the author(s) that do not result in substantive changes. Proofs will be returned to authors if time permits; they must be returned within four days and no substantial changes can be made at this stage. The Editors' decisions about acceptance are final.


Publication is conditional upon authors giving copyright to the Indilinga : African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Requests to copy all or substantial parts of an article must be made to the Editors.


Text should be double-line spaced on one side of A4 paper with at least 30mm margins on all edges.

Writing Style:

The journal encourages various and different styles of writing. Main criteria for publishable texts are academic rigour as well as dialogic qualities that open up for conversations with readers. Different kinds of narratives as well as more traditional academic accounts are welcomed.

Language Medium

English, or an African language. All articles will be submitted to referees. If an article is submitted in a language for which it is difficult to find suitable referees the author can be requested to submit a translated version of the article (in English) for purposes of refereeing.


These should be avoided where possible; when they have to be used, list them at the end of the manuscript.


List of references

Only sources cited in the text are listed in the references. Bibliographic information should be in the language of the source (therefore not necessarily in the language of the manuscript). Capital letters are used only where they are necessary for linguistic reasons. Entries are in alphabetical order.

Source references are given by surnames and initials of all authors, followed by year, title of article, unabbreviated title of journal, volume, number, and applicable pages, e.g. Brown P & Brown T B (1993). Early Childhood Education. Educational Psychology, 28(6)L : 23-24.

In book references, the surnames and initials of all the authors, followed by the year of publication, as well as the title, volume, edition, place of publication, and publisher, e. g. Luthuli P C (1998). Philosophical Foundations of Education. Durban: Kagiso Publishers.

In the case of official reports and those of corporate authors the references must be as detailed as possible, e. g. Department of National Education 1991. Report of Teacher Education. Pretoria: Government Printer. RP 173/1991:122.

For unpublished theses and dissertations follow this example:

Mtetwa D 2001. From policy to practice: The South African Schools Act. MEd dissertation. KwaDlangezwa: University of Zululand. South Africa.

Anonymous references from newspapers are indicated thus: Sunday Times, 25 March 2001: 11. Leadership in education.

Personal communications are not included in the reference list as they are not retrievable.


Submitting articles for publication
Should be addressed to:

The Editor- in- Chief
Indilinga : African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Private Bag X10
South Africa.

Fax +27 (0) 31 9073011
Phone: +27 (031) 9077000 ext. 2034
Email: [email protected] 


Books for reviews

Book Reviews should be sent to the Editors- in- Chief.