African Journals On-line
Journal of College of Medicine

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs….

The Journal: The Journal of College of Medicine is published biannually by the College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.

Correspondence: All correspondence should be to Dr. Aloy Aghaji, Editor-in-Chief, Department of Surgery, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, P.M.B. 1129, Enugu. E-mail: [email protected]

Call for Papers: Suitable articles for publication are invited from any interested person. The journal will publish papers on clinical, experimental, cultural, historical and other topics pertinent to healthcare.

Note: A paper is reviewed in the Journal of College of Medicine on the understanding that it has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal, has not been accepted for publication elsewhere and has not already been published. When the paper is the work of two or more authors, the author named first is responsible for ensuring that it has been seen and approved by all the authors. On acceptance, the paper becomes the copyright of the journal.

The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make literary corrections, but authors are advised to ensure that their papers are written in concise and correct English in the first instance. Authors are advised to send in two copies of everything.

Typescripts: Papers should be clearly typewritten with double spacing on one side of A4 paper. Each of the following sections should begin on a new page: Title page, Summary, Introduction, Materials (or Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement(s), References, Tables , and Legends for illustrations.

Title Page: This should contain the following: Title of the article which should be clear and concise; First name, middle initial(s) and last name of the author, with no more than two academic qualifications; Departmental and Institutional affiliations at the time the work was done, and if different, the present affiliation; Name and address(including e-mail if available) for correspondence.

Summary Page: The summary should be ‘Structured’ in the following way: Background(or Aim), Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Key Words ( not exceeding five words). On the whole, the summary should not exceed 250 words.

Tables and Illustrations: Two copies of all illustrations and tables should be typed on a separate page. Illustrations (line drawing, radiographs etc) should be submitted in form of glossy prints and should not be mounted. Each illustration should have a label pasted on the reverse side giving its number(to correspond with its reference in the text) and names(s) of the author(s). The top of the illustration should be indicated. If a table of illustration has been reproduced from a published work, the source thereof must be given in full.

Ethics: Papers reporting studies which might be interpreted as human experimentation ( eg. controlled trials) should indicate that approval that such studies may proceed has been granted by the relevant Ethical Committee.

References: Authors must not cite references to works they have not read without explicitly that their information derives from a secondary source. The accuracy of references will be checked, and papers found to contain errors in references will be returned. References, numbered in order in which they are mentioned in the text, should be listed on a separate page. The journal abbreviations listed in the Index Medicus should be used. If the journal is not listed, the title should be written out in full. Up to six authors should be quoted, but if there are seven or more, only the first should be listed, followed by et al.

References to journals should give: name(s), title of paper, title of journal, date, volume, number and page numbers. For example: Aghaji AE, Mbonu OO. Bladder Tumours in Enugu, Nigeria. British Journal of Urology 1989; 64: 399-402.

References to Books/Monographs should give Name(s) of Author(s), Chapter title, Editors, Title of book, Place of publication, Publisher’s name, Date and Page numbers.

Note: References to unpublished material is not recommended.

Acknowledgements: Acknowledge any assistance received.

Units of Measurement: All measurements should be expressed in SI Units.

Reviews and Case Reports: The journal welcomes submission of review articles on topics of relevance and interest to readers. A review article should consist of the following: Summary with key words; An Introduction; The main body of the text and discussion; and a Conclusion. The journal is however selective on acceptance of case reports and clinical notes.

The editorial board does not necessarily agree with the views expressed in the articles published in the journal.


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