African Journals Online
The Journal of Food Technology
in Africa
Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs….
1. General
When submitting a paper to JFTA, It is the
responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the
work has not been previously published, is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere and has been approved for
submission by all its authors and the institution(s) in which the
work was conducted. Papers submitted and accepted for publication
have their copyright automatically transferred to the publishers.
However, assignment of copyright is not required for authors who
work for organisations which do not permit such assignment. The
copyright covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute
the article, including reprints or any other reproduction of
whatever nature, and translations. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic
tape, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
permission in writing from the copyright holder.
The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks
etc., in this publication, even if not specifically identified,
does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant
laws and regulations.
While the information in this journal is believed to be true
and accurate at the date of its going to press, neither the
authors, editors, nor the publishers can accept any legal
responsibility for any errors or omissions that may occur. The
publisher makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect
to the material contained herein.
2. Aim and scope
The Journal of Food Technology in Africa is published
quarterly. It serves as a forum for original research findings on
food science and technology with an expanded scope including food
engineering, food management, food production and nutrition.
It publishes high quality original research results on
developments in food science and emerging technologies, covering
subjects such as shelf-life and food safety, engineering
scale-up, nutrition, economic and environmental aspects of food
processing technologies. Food Science and Technology is viewed as
an important instrument in tackling food security challenges.
The major criteria for publication will be clarity,
experimental soundness and advances in knowledge with special
emphasis on concern and relevance to the food Industry in the
African continent. Towards this end, papers discussing new
methodology, experimental data or innovative ideas will be given
priority due to their immediate importance.
In addition to original research papers, the Journal also
publishes, subject to consideration by the Editorial Board,
invited Reviews and Editorials, Announcements and Reports of
meetings. All papers are reviewed by international authorities
prior to publication; however, the Editor-in-Chief reserves the
right of final decision.
3. Manuscript Preparation and submission
Full-length papers should normally have a maximum of 12
printed pages, including references, tables and figure legends.
Manuscripts should be prepared in standard grammatical English,
using British spelling throughout; this is the responsibility of
the author.
Papers must be typed in double-line spacing (1 cm between
lines), including references, tables etc., on one side of the
paper only and with 3 cm margins on both sides of the page. Pages
must be numbered while tables and figures should come on separate
sheets of paper after the references, and not interspersed within
the text. Manuscripts should be prepared on a computer wherever
possible. Authors are requested to maintain a back-up copy in
case revision is necessary.
The Manuscript should be organised as follows:
a) Title page: This is the first page and, as such
should include the title of the paper (with no abbreviations); a
running title of a maximum of 70 characters should be indicated;
the full names of the author(s) and their postal address(es),
clearly indicating the corresponding author. E-mail
contact of the corresponding author is now a mandatory
requirement to speed up communication.
b) Abstract: Should be done on a separate page giving
summary of not more than 250 words, describing the objective of
the study, the methods used and results and the conclusion
reached. It must be self-explanatory and intelligible without
reference to the text and should contain no abbreviations. Up to
seven Key Words suitable for listing should be provided at the
end of the abstract.
c) Main text: Should be divided into an introduction,
Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and
i) Introduction: The introduction should
contain a clear description of problem under investigation and of
the aims of the study and the results, along with a brief survey
of the existing literature.
ii) Materials and Methods: Sufficient
information should be provided to permit duplication of the
research work. Abbreviations should be avoided as far as
possible; if necessary, they must be defined at first mention. No
abbreviations should appear in the title, running title or
abstract. The statistical methods used must be identified. When
variability is expressed in terms of the Standard Error of the
Mean (SEM) or Standard Deviation (SD), the numbers of observation
(n) must also be expressed as more or less than or equal to a
given probability (e.g. P< 0.01). The terms
significant and not significant must not
be used in a statistical sense without providing the level of
significance in terms of P.
iii) Results: The results should be stated
concisely without comment. The same data should not be presented
in both figures and tables. If there is a desired position for
figures and tables, it should be indicated in the margins of the
iv) Discussion: The Discussion should add to the
information being given without repeating what is presented in
the introduction or results. It should deal with the relationship
of the new findings given in the Results to the corpus of
knowledge from existing literature and should be pertinent to the
data presented.
v) Acknowledgements: These should be as brief as
possible. Any assistance that requires acknowledgement should be
mentioned. The names of funding organisations should be given in
vi) References: References, typed in double-line
spacing must be limited to publication cited in the text and in
the tables and figure legends. The list should be alphabetical
and not necessarily in order of first appearance in the text.
Responsibility for the accuracy of the reference list lies
entirely with the author(s).
vii) Tables and figures: Tables should be typed
on separate sheets and in double-spacing with a number and title.
Table titles should be self-explanatory without reference to the
text. Non-standard units of measurement should be defined in the
footnote to the tables and at first mention in the text.
Figures will be printed directly from the originals sent by
authors and should therefore be of high quality. Computer-drawn
figures printed on a laser (not a dot matrix) printer are
preferable. Figures may be professionally drawn on white board or
tracing paper. Illustrations should not be larger than 15 x 24 cm
and the point size of the labels and legends should not be
smaller than 10-point font size. The photographs should not be
mounted and the names of the authors and figure number should be
written in pencil on the back with an arrow to indicate top of
the figure. The photographs must be technically perfect and
necessary for understanding the text.
d) Proofs: The page proofs and original edited
manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author, as
electronic portable document (PDF) attachments, for approval and
minor correction when necessary. Only typographical errors should
be corrected. We expect a speedy response from the authors
translating into only a few days.
e) Offprint: The corresponding author will receive
offprint as soon as they are ready, as a PDF attachment, without
waiting for their printing, packaging and mailing. Complimentary
copies to each and every author will be dispatched to the
corresponding author when they are ready.
f) Manuscripts: This should be submitted in three (3)
hard copies and soft copy on diskette (3.5 inches) adequately
packed by registered airmail, courier services or via e-mail to:
The Editor-in-Chief
The Journal of Food Technology in Africa
P. O. Box 20175, City Square
Nairobi-00200, Kenya
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 254-2-242300
g) Checklist:
- 1. Letter of submission
- 2. Copyright transfer statement
- Three (3) hardcopies of the Manuscript and computer
diskette (3.5 inches), preferably in MS Word or Word Perfect.
- Title page (title of article, full names), affiliation of
- Corresponding author (Name, postal and e-mail address
clearly indicated)
- Abstract (double spaced)
- Key words (up to seven)
- Article (double-spaced)
- References (double-spaced) on a separate sheet
- Tables (on a separate sheet)
- Legends (double-spaced) on a separate sheet
- Figures (3 copies), labelled abbreviations for figures
fully listed and explained.
h) Acknowledgement of receipt of papers: This will be
done by way of e-mail to the corresponding author.