African Journals Online
Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs….

General: Manuscripts submitted for publication in Journal of Modeling, Design & Management of Engineering Systems must be written clearly and concisely in English. They should be typed double—spaced (one side only) on A4 paper. Title: The title should be concise and informative. This should be followed by the names of the authors and their addresses. In

case of multiple authorship, the name of the author to whom inquires about the paper should be made should be marked with asterisk.

Abstract: An abstract of not more than 200 words should precede the main text. It should state clearly the scope and purpose, methods or procedures as well as significant results.

Key Words/Running Title: Authors should provide key words and a running title below the abstract.

Illustrations: All illustrations must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Captions and legends to the figures should be self-explanatory. As far as possible, insertions and figures should be computer-processed. Otherwise, they should be drawn neatly in black ink on onion paper and the number kept to a minimum.

Tables: Do not provide tables and graphs for the same data. Number the tables as they appear in the text.

References: The Harvard system should apply. References cited in the text should follow the

format of author comma year, enclosed in parenthesis: (Yemi,2000), or Yemi (2000)

demonstrated that….; (Mbuk,1985; Boma,1999; Sani,2000); (Tunde and Ike, 2001) or (Tunde and others, 2001) if more than two authors; (Telma,2001a), (Telma,2001b), etc if citations have the same author and year of publication. References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper based on the authors’ surname. In the case of a journal article, for example, the order is: surname and initials of all authors (not "and others" or "et al"), year in parenthesis, full title of article, full name of journal, volume number, first and last pages.


On acceptance, authors will be required to submit a 3.5inch-diskette copy of their manuscripts in any of the following formats:

Microsoft Word 6 for Windows (or later version), or Word Perfect 5.1 for DOS

Page Charges: There are no page charges.

Submission of Manuscripts

Three copies of the manuscript, including the original text, figures and tables should be sent directly to either:

Dr. A. O. Kuye, Editor JMDMES
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Port Harcourt,
PMB 5323, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA
E-mail: [email protected]


Dr. C. O. C. Oko, Co-Editor JMDMES
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Port Harcourt,
PMB 5323, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA
E-mail: [email protected] 


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