Journals Online
Nigerian Libraries
Journal of the Nigerian Library Association
Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs…
Contribution to the Nigerian libraries should not be more than 5,000 words.
They should be typed in duplicate, doubled-space, on one side only of quarto-size paper. Footnotes should as far as be avoided. The author's name, position, and place of work should be indicated. Diagrams should be drawn in India ink on smooth white paper or board and such proportion that they can be reduced to a page measuring
7 ˝ X 4 ˝ or half that size. References and notes should be grouped at the end of each article in the following order for periodicals; author(s), date, title, unabbreviated journal's name, volume number, issue number, inclusive pagination, e.g.
- Foskett, D. J (Dec. 1967) "The training of African documentalists for the social sciences".
- Nigerian Libraries, 3(3): pp. 101 - 109
References for monographs should be in the order: author(s), year, title, place of publication, publisher, pagination, series note,
- Sobar Josefa A. (1969) Methods of teaching librarianship, with introductory study by Ricardo.
- Nassif. Paris, Unesco, 145p. (Unesco manual for libraries, 16)
Each article must include an information abstract of 100 words or less.
Opinions expressed in the articles published in this journal are those of authors. Material appearing in the journal must not be reprinted in whole or in part without permission in writing.