African Journals Online
Journal of Social Development in Africa
Instructions to authors…./ Instructions aux auteurs….
How to communicate with the editor
All postal correspondence should be sent to the editor,
Journal of Social Development in Africa, School of Social Work,
P/Bag 66022 Kopje Harare Zimbabwe.
E-mail correspondence should be set to the editor,
Journal of Social Development in Africa at [email protected]
where it will be speedily dealt with. Authors must make every effort to
remain in e-mail contact with the editor at all times and, if they know
their server is down or they will be absent from their desk, to let the
editor know of alternative e-mail addresses. At certain stages of the
editorial process the editor needs to be in daily contact with the author
and the email system appears to be the most effective communication system
throughout much of Africa.
The scope of the journal
The journal publishes analyses, findings and recommendations
of scholars relating to problems of social development in Africa, including
both theoretical and empirical and descriptive works and scholarly discussions
of ethics related to social development.
Contributions that further the aims of the journal
are welcome. Manuscripts should ideally be submitted by e-mail or on a
PC disk (in Word, Wordperfect or similar) together with a typed copy on
single-sided A4 paper, double-spaced with large margins all round. Every
effort should be made to ensure that such a document does not contain
a computer virus. Large files should be zipped.
1. Covering page
A covering page should be provided giving the author's
name, affiliation and address (including e-mail address and fax number).
These details should not appear on the ms to help anonymity in the refereeing
process. The covering letter should state that the work has not been published
or submitted for publication elsewhere and will not be so submitted unless
it is withdrawn for consideration from the journal or rejected by the
journal editor. Please note that submission of the ms gives the journal
exclusive right to publish, to copyright and to deny or allow reproduction
of it in whole and in part.
2. Abstract
An abstract of around 200 words, which will be used
by abstract indexing services, should be prepared. This states (in past
tense) the principle objectives and scope of the research, briefly describes
the methods employed, summarizes the results and states the main conclusions.
The following parts should appear in the article:
- Introduction,
- Material and methods,
- Results,
- Discussion, conclusion.
A brief literature survey and a theoretical discussion
is useful for certain types of work. If used, these should be integrated
into the work and argued for or against in the conclusion.
Authors should not hesitate to submit articles that
have a strongly descriptive, empirical component, whether they follow
the traditional format above or not. It is the view of the editor and
most reviewers that well-designed empirical studies on various aspects
of social life in Africa have a place in this journal.
3. References within the text
Within the body of the text use the Harvard or author:
date style as follows:
We find that Makola (1982a:67) argues the view taken
by Nkomo (1981). Another study (Makola 1982b:21–26), however…
4. Bibliographical references
A list of references (of only those works cited in
the body of the text) should be provided at the end. These should be listed
alphabetically and chronologically by author and date as follows:
For books: surname, initial. date. title, place, publisher.
For journals, author, initial. date. title. journal name, (or collection
or book in which this is a chapter), page numbers. More detailed examples
can be posted or e-mailed on request. Studying the references in a recent
issue of this journal may also be of assistance. Authors receive two copies
of the relevant issue.
5. Footnotes
Essential footnotes should be typed consecutively
at the end of the article.
6. Tables and figures
Tables and figures will be placed at the top of the
page closest to the descriptive and analytical text referring to such
material. As such tables often have to be redrawn for design reasons,
the raw data in the appropriate spreadsheet should be sent separately.
Figures always present a special problem and should always be accompanied
by datasheets so they can be redrawn. The author is responsible for the
factual accuracy of all such material and for the validity of all statistical
inferences drawn from it. Articles are expected to be between 5000 and
7000 words long.
7. Language
The editor is aware that many contributors to this
journal are not writing in their mother tongue and is therefore prepared
and willing to work with authors to achieve academically-acceptable standards
of English usage. Authors should, however, note that reviewers (whose
mother-tongue is also often not English) often comment on the author’s
lack of elementary proof-reading before submitting work, resulting in
sub-standard typing, spelling and grammatical mistakes. Such lack of care
may prejudice an otherwise favourable review.
The reviewers and editor welcome material that displays
the following characteristics:
- The content is technically competent and professional in format;
- It displays originality and is presented logically;
- Mathematical and statistical material, where used, is complete, wellorganized
and interpreted for the non-specialist;
- Writing style is clear and unpretentious;
- The illustrative material is adequate;
- The literature review is adequate and the bibliography is up-to-date
- The theoretical underpinnings are adequate and are well integrated
with the discussion and argument;
- The methodological approach is clear and adequate;
- The article contributes significantly to the thinking or the development
of the subject
Having said all this, the editor is more than prepared
to work with scholars to achieve their goals and many of our reviewers
are most generously in helping to provide detailed and constructive advice
on the first draft.
Carole Pearce