African Journals Online
Nigerian Agricultural Journal

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....


Papers should be of agricultural interest and include: full reports of original research not previously published elsewhere, research notes which consists of brief or new findings: techniques and equipment of importance to agricultural workers: surveys or evaluations of problems and trends in agricultural production; reviews or announcements of publications and reports of various agricultural agencies in Nigerian books and bulletins of tropical agricultural interest will be included. Papers in English or French are acceptable.


Publications in the Nigerian Agricultural Journal are open to any-one engaged in agricultural work in Nigeria and other countries in tropical Africa.


Manuscripts should be of reasonable length and should not exceed 15,000 words.


Manuscripts should be double-spaced on one side of the paper only and with all pages serially numbered. Footnotes should be listed in numerical order designated with familiar symbols at the bottom of the page or below the tables and figures when necessary. Footnotes should not be used for references, which should be presented at the end of the text. Ample margins of at least 1.5 inches (or 4cm) should be allowed at the top, bottom and left hand side of each page of the text. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate and a short title not exceeding 50 characters should be provided for the running headlines. Capital letters should be used only for proper nouns and certain words derived from them, scientific names of general families, orders etc, and the initial letters of all-important words in the title of the paper. Main centre headings of important sections of the paper like abstract, introduction, materials and methods etc. should have all the letters capitalized. The italic types, usually designated by underlining the words to be italicized with a single straight line, should be used for scientific names (general and species), Latin or vernacular words and expressions, algebraic symbols, legends to table and figures, title of books and periodicals. Names of chemical compounds should not be represented by chemical formulae. Chemical elements may be represented by, their symbol after being first spelt out in full, e.g. nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and boron (B). All stated quantities should be in figure (e.g., 3kg, 15 tones, 81.4 percent). Decimal quantities less; than 1.0 should be written with the cipher (e.g., 0.1, not .1.) All other numbers up to and including ten are generally written in words; 11 and above in figures. Unit of the System international (SI) or revised metric system is preferred: the common unit equivalent may be added in parentheses after SI units, e.g. 10m (11.96 sq. yards). For words with two or more acceptable spellings (e.g., organisation and organization) the version used in the Concise Oxford Dictionary will be acceptable as the standard. Each paper must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words. Papers in French should be supplied with English abstracts


Each table should be typed on a separate sheet. Table should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and each table should be able to fit into the desired page of the journal. Each table should be inserted after the page on which reference to it was first made. Figures including graphs, other line drawings and photographs, should be kept to a minimum and no figure should be used to represent what has already been presented in a table. Graphs should be drawn on unruled paper or on squared paper with blue lines, except where coordinate ruling is required to appear in print, in which case paper ruled in black or red may be used; Black-and- white photographs for reproduction should be of high quality, contain a full range of tones and be printed on glossy white paper. Colour photographs will not be accepted for the time being. All figures should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals and their legends should be typewritten separately.


A list of references should be presented in alphabetical order of the author's names. The author's name comes first; followed by year of publication (in parentheses); title of the paper with only the initial letter of the first word and proper nouns capitalized; name of the journal in italics and abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals; volume number in Arabic numerals underlined with a wavy line to indicate bold type; the first and last page of the paper (least number if figures required) e.g. CHANT, S R. and MARDEN, J. A. (1958). A method for the rapid propagation of cassava cuttings. Trop. Agric. Trin. pp 195-9. For the citation of books, the author's name comes first followed by year of publication in brackets, title of the books underlined with the initial letters capitalized, edition and volume number, e.g. BENNETT, M. K. (1954). The World's Food 1st ed., pp. 55-68. New York. Harper and Brothers..

Where an author or several joint-authors have published more than one articles (in the same year) to which references are made, letters of the alphabet should be added to each year to distinguish between them, e.g. 1956b, etc. Please submit Diskette Copy of your manuscripts in MS Words in the final version.


Only one proof is sent to authors and it is desirable that alterations should be kept to a minimum to avoid extra cost re-typesetting, which may be charged to the author.


Authors, editors and publishers of journals, book monographs and bulletins of scientific subjects related to agriculture are requested to send copies to the Editor-in-Chief for review


Manuscripts and all the Communications on editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief.