African Journals Online
Review of Southern African Studies

Issues Available About the Journal

A Multidisciplinary Journal of Arts, Social and Behavioural Sciences

Instructions to authors…. / Instructions aux auteurs…. 

1. Every manuscript should be accompanied with a statement that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. 

2. The Review of Southern African Studies prefers articles which cut across disciplinary boundaries.  Articles with narrow foci and incomprehensible to people outside those disciplines are unlikely to be accepted. 

3. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following: title, author=s name and the current institutional affiliation: address, telephone, fax and E-mail address.  All these must be on a separate sheet; not as part of the text. 

4. An abstract of 100-200 words should also be typed on a separate sheet. 

5. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the A4 paper and double-spaced.  The text of the articles should normally not exceed 11 000 words. 

6. Short quotations should appear within the text with double quotation marks.  Longer quotations (four lines or more) should be indented on both sides, single-spaced and a line skipped before and after the quotation. 

7. Endnotes may be used.  However, they should be explanatory rather than bibliographic references.  Endnotes should be kept to the minimum. 

8. Bibliographic references in the text should follow the Harvard system (author, date, pages).  There should then be a full list of references with full citations at the end of the article.  The list of authors should be alphabetically arranged. 

Reference to a book should follow this format:

Erlish, W.  (1976) The Business of Publishing.  New York: R. R.  Bowker. 

Reference to an article in a book:

Matlosa, K.  (1993) ASouth Africa=s Regional Economic Strategy 1970-1990".  In M.  Sejanamane (ed) >From Destabilisation to Regional Cooperation in Southern Africa? Roma: ISAS. 

Reference to an article in a journal:

Basset, T. J.  (1988) AThe Development of Cotton in North Ivory Coast@.  In Journal of African History, 2(1). 

9.  Tables should provide an additional material and not a summary of what has already been mentioned in the text.  They should also be self-explanatory. 

10.  Figures (charts, graphs, illustrations, maps, photos) should be on separate sheets. 

11.  Maps and illustrations need to be clear and in black drawing ink. 

12.  Photographs (preferably black and white) should be original and clear.  Please also provide data from which the charts or graphs have been drawn. 

13.  Abbreviations, tables and acronyms: the first time the words should be spelt out and abbreviations in brackets.  Use only abbreviations in subsequent occurrences. 

If possible, we prefer submission on disks: Microsoft Word.  The authors must obtain permission for all copyrighted material. 

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