Journals Online
South African Computer Journal / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Rekenaartydskrif
Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....
The prime purpose of the South African Computer Journal
is to publish original research papers in the fields of Computer
Science and Information Systems, as well as shorter technical
research notes. However, non-refereed review and exploratory
articles of interest to the journal's readers will be considered
for publication under sections marked as Communications of
Viewpoints. While English is the preferred language of the
journal, papers in Afrikaans will also be accepted. Typed
manuscripts for review should be submitted in triplicate to the
Form of Manuscript
Manuscripts for review should be prepared according to
the following guidelines:
- Use wide margins and 11
2 or double spacing.
- The first page should include:
- the title (as brief as possible)
- the author's initials and surname
- the author's aħliation and address
- an abstract of less than 200 words
- an appropriate keyword list
- a list of relevant Computing Review Categories
- Tables and figures should be numbered and titled.
- References should be listed at the end of the text in
alphabetic order of the (first) author's surname, and should be
cited in the text according to the Harvard. References should
also be according to the Harvard method.
Manuscripts accepted for publication should comply with
guidelines as set out on the SACJ web page,
which gives a number of examples.
Authors of accepted publications will be required to sign a
copyright transfer form.
Charges per final page will be levied on papers accepted for
publication. They will be scaled to reflect typesetting,
reproduction and other costs. Currently, the minimum rate is
R30.00 per final page for contributions which require no further
attention. The maximum is R120.00, prices inclusive of VAT. These
charges may be waived upon request of the author and the
discretion of the editor.
Proofs of accepted papers may be sent to the author to ensure
that typesetting is correct, and not for addition of new material
or major amendments to the text. Corrected proofs should be
returned to the production editor within three days.
Letters and Communications
Letters to the editor are welcomed. They should be signed, and
should be limited to about 500 words. Announcements and
communications of interest to the readership will be considered
for publication in a separate section of the journal.
Communications may also reflect minor research contributions.
However, such communications will not be refereed and will not be
deemed as fully-fledged publications for state subsidy purposes.
Book Reviews
Contributions in this regard will be welcomed. Views and
opinions expressed in such reviews should, however, be regarded
as those of the reviewer alone.
Placement of advertisements at R1000.00 per full page per
issue and R500.00 per half page per issue will be considered.
These charges exclude specialised production costs, which will be
borne by the advertiser. Enquiries should be directed to the