Journals Online
South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....
1.1 Only original scientific contributions relating to
agricultural extension will be considered for publication. By
"scientific originality" is meant
- original thought and
- responsible scientific reasoning.
1.1 Conclusions must as far as possible be empirically
1.2 Because of the multi-disciplinary nature of agricultural
extension, contributions from other learned disciplines can also
be considered for publication on condition that the articles
under consideration have sufficient bearing on agricultural
1.3 Submission of a paper will be taken to imply that the
material has not previously been published, and is not being
submitted for publication elsewhere.
1.4 The South African Society for Agricultural Extension
(SASAE) does not necessarily subscribe to the
opinions/conclusions expressed by authors in its journal. Authors
carry the full responsibility themselves regarding the
correctness of their publications.
1.6 Copyright of all published material rests with the SASAE.
1.7 All submitted articles are reviewed by a panel of SASAE
adjudicators and at least two outside referees to determine
whether an article can (or cannot) be published.
1.8 To facilitate the international exchange of knowledge,
articles should be written in English. Articles that have been
presented in Afrikaans, should be accompanied by a comprehensive
summary in English. Such a summary should comprise approximately
20 percent of the total length of the article.
1.9 Only English and Afrikaans contributions are accepted for
Authors should take note of the following:
2.1 The TITLE of their article must be short and concise. The
initials and surname of the author(s) must appear directly below
the title with the authors title and the name and address of the
institution where the research was done appearing as a foot note
at the bottom of the first page of the article.
The content of the article must match its title.
Articles written in Afrikaans must include the above details
in English.
2.2 The ABSTRACT should not exceed 200 words. Normally four to
five concise sentences should summarise the content of the
article. Afrikaans articles must include an 'Abstract" in
2.1 The CONTENT must be orderly arranged with appropriate
headings for each sub-section. The following sub-division is
- Definition of problems/Hypotheses
- Summary (or paragraph 1.8)
- Procedure
- Findings/Conclusions/Recommendations
- Bibliography/Acknowledgements
Desimalize all paragraph nomenclature (e.g. paragraph 4.2.1).
Headings should not be underlined.
Control the technical and grammatical correctness of the
2.4 TABLES and FIGURES must be submitted in publishable form
on separate sheets of paper. Their exact placing must be
indicated in the text, e.g.
Authors must use suitable drawing instruments, draw uniform
lines and use a letter size that will remain conveniently legible
even after reduction. Table captions must be placed above the
relevant Tables and Figure captions below the relevant Figures
Figure 3: A hypothetical model of mediating function of
perception with decision making (after Düvel, 1975:27)
All Tables and Figures must be referred to in the text.
2.5 Only accepted ABBREVIATIONS may be used.
Figures from one to nine must be written out in full. Use
figures for numbers higher than nine, fractions or units (e.g.
3,6 kg). Use metric units according to the SI and in accordance
with international practice.
2.6 REFERENCES in the text must include the relevant page
reference (e.g. Vosbo, 1979:24). The abbreviation et al is
only permissible after the relevant authors have been quoted in
full in the text and is in any case only applicable to sources
consisting of three or more authors.
All references must be listed alphabetically according to the
surnames of the authors. The names of the authors appear in
capital letters and the rest of the reference in small letters.
The names of journals must be abbreviated according to the "World
List of Scientific Periodicals". Underline the
abbreviation of journals, e.g.
CAMPBELL, R.P., 1966. A suggested paradigm of the individual
adoption process. Rur Soc., 31:458-466.
3.1 Manuscripts must be submitted directly to "The
Editor, SASAE Publications, Dept. of Agricultural Economics,
Extension and Rural Development, University of Pretoria,
3.2 Manuscripts typed in 1 - spacing, are submitted in three
fold. A copy of the manuscript on computer disc (floppy or
stiffy) in any of the following programs should accompany the
Microsoft Word and Word Perfect
3.3 Manuscripts are judged by the SASAE panel of adjudicators
and two referees regarding their originality in the discipline of
agricultural extension. Referees submit their written
recommendations to the Editor (or his delegate).
3.4 Manuscripts received after the last day of May will only
be considered for publication during the following year.
3.5 Decisions made by the SASAE publication