Journals Online
Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Previously known as Southern African Journal of
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Instructions to authors…./ Instructions
aux auteurs….
Review Papers
Review papers for the Southern African Journal of Child
and Adolescent Mental Health will be considered for publication on condition
that they bring together important information on a topic that is of relevance
to contemporary child and adolescent mental health. Such review articles should
indicate the primary purpose of the review, the sources of data, and how the
papers were selected.
In the case of data-based papers, the abstract should be
structured with the following information under the headings as follows: Objective
– the primary purpose of the paper; Method – data sources, subjects,
design, measurements, data analysis; Results – key findings; and Conclusions
– implications, future directions.
Manuscript Requirements
Manuscripts should be typewritten and double spaced, with wide margins,
using one side of the page only. Sheets should be numbered consecutively.
Three copies should be sent. The author should retain a copy of
the manuscript for personal use. A floppy disc will be required
only after the manuscript has been reviewed. Fax and electronic
mail should not be used for initial submission of manuscripts, except in exceptional
(2) The first page of
the manuscript should give the title, name(s), and address(es) of author(s),
and a concise but informative abstract.
References in text
References in running text should be quoted as follows: Louw and Mkize
(1990), or (Louw, 1990), or (Louw, 1990, 1991a,b), or (Louw & Mkize, 1992),
or (Mkize, 1990; Louw & Naidoo, 1993).
For up to three authors, all surnames should be cited the first time the reference
occurs, e.g. Louw, Mkize and Naidoo (1990) or (Louw, Mkize & Naidoo, 1990).
Subsequent citations should use et al, e.g. Louw et al (1990) or (Louw
et al, 1990). For four or more authors, cite only the surname of
the first author followed by et al and the year, for the first and subsequent
citations. Note, however, that all authors are listed in
the Reference List.
'Unpublished observations' and 'personal communications' may be cited in the
text, but not in the reference list. Manuscripts accepted but not
yet published can be included as references followed by 'in press'.
Reference List
Full references should be given at the end of the article in alphabetical order,
using double spacing.
References to journals should include the authors' surnames and initials, the
full title of the paper, the full name of the journal, the year of publication,
the volume and issue number, and inclusive page numbers. Titles
of journals must not be abbreviated and should be in italics.
References to books should include the authors' surnames and initials, the year
of publication, the full title of the book (in italics), the place of
publication, the publisher's name.
References should be cited as per the examples below:
Louw, J. (1990a). Comorbidity of conduct and anxiety disorders.
Southern African Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 5,
1, 43-51.
Louw, J., Mkize, A.C. & Naidoo, D.H. (1990). Cultural disorders.
In S. Isaacs (Ed.), Psychiatric disorders in South African children (pp.84-96).
Cape Town: Juta & Co.
(4) Tables and Figures
These should be constructed so as to be intelligible without reference to the
text. Tables should be double spaced. The approximate
location of figures and tables should be clearly indicated in the text.
Refereeing And Publication
The Journal has a policy of anonymous peer review.
Authors’ names are withheld from referees, but it is their responsibility to
ensure that any identifying material is removed from the manuscript.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to revise the
final draft of the manuscript to conform with editorial requirements.
However, the Editorial Board and Editorial Committee do not accept responsibility
or liability for errors or misleading data in the published material, or for
the opinions or statements of contributors.