African Journals Online
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....

The South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation is published by the Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation. Contributions from the fields of Sport Science, Movement Education, Recreation/Leisure Studies, Exercise Science and Dance Studies will be considered for publication. The articles submitted will be administered by the appropriate Review Editor and evaluated by two or more referees. The decision as to whether a particular article is to be published or not, rests with the Editorial Board.


Manuscripts should be typed with one and a half spacing in 12-point Times New Roman letter size and printed on A4-size white paper in laser quality. The original manuscript (clearly indicated) and three copies of the manuscript must be submitted. Length must not exceed 20 pages (tables, figures, references, etc. included). Original manuscripts may be submitted in English or Afrikaans and should be sent to:

The Editor Editorial Office
S.A. Journal for Research in Sport, Tel: 021-808 4915 / 4724
Physical Education and Recreation Fax: 021-808 4817
Department of Sport Science E-mail: [email protected]
Private Bag X1
7602 Matieland, STELLENBOSCH
Republic of South Africa

NB. Articles can also be submitted by e-mail.


A signed declaration in respect of the originality must accompany each manuscript. On submission of the manuscript, the author shall present a written statement that the article has not been published or is not being presented for publication elsewhere. The author should also ensure that the LANGUAGE of the manuscript has been thoroughly edited at the time of submission. The name, address and telephone number of the person who has done the language editing must be provided. On receiving a written notification from the Managing Editor that the article has been accepted, a final hard copy of the manuscript and a diskette (virus checked) should be submitted using MS WORD, Office 97 or 2000 as a DOC-file (see Figures). It can also be send per e-mail as an attached file.


Title page

The first page of each manuscript should indicate the title in English and Afrikaans (will be translated for foreign authors), the names (title, first name and other initials, surname) of the author(s), the telephone numbers (work & home), facsimile number, e-mail address (if available) and the field of study. The mailing address of the first named author and the institution where the work was conducted should be provided in full. A short title of not more than 45 characters, including the spaces, should be provided for use as a running head.


Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 150-200 words in English and should be set on a separate page as a SINGLE paragraph (one and a half spacing). Articles in Afrikaans must include an additional extended summary (500-1000 words) in English. This summary must start on a new page (following the list of sources) providing the English title of the article at the beginning. A list of three to seven key words in English is required for indexing purposes and should be typed below the abstract.


Start the text on a new page with the title of the article (centred and without the names of the authors). Follow the style of the most recent issue of the journal regarding the use of headings and subheadings. Do NOT justify the text and do NOT underline in the text, as the manuscript may be scanned.

Tables and figures: Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) and each be prepared on a SEPARATE page (also on the diskette). Tables require a heading at the top and figures a legend below and separate from the figure. For figures, kindly supply the values of the co-ordinates of line or bar graphs in a separate MS EXCEL (.exl) or WORD file (.doc) while also including the actual figures in the same file. Only original and high-resolution laser quality copies of figures and drawings and original photographs can be accepted (photocopies or negatives are unacceptable) for scanning. Indicate where the tables or figures must feature in the text. Tables must be without lines for scanning purposes. The names of the authors must be indicated clearly on the back of the copy of each table and figure. Note: Use the decimal POINT (not the decimal comma).

References: In the text the Harvard method must be adopted by providing the author's surname and the date placed in parentheses. For example: Daly (1970); King and Loathes (1985); McGuines et al. (1986) or (Daly, 1970: 80) when Daly is not part of the sentence. More than one reference must be arranged chronologically. Note that et al. is used in the body of the text when there are more than two authors, but never in the list of references.

List of references

Only the references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically according to surname (last name) of authors (capitals) after the body of text under the heading, References (capitals) starting on a new page. In the case of articles published in JOURNALS, references listed should include the surnames and initials (capitals) of all authors, the date of the publication in parentheses, the full title of the article, the full title of the journal (italics), the volume number, the serial number in parentheses (omitted only if the said journal does not use issue numbers), followed by a colon and the first and last page numbers separated by a hyphen.


VAN WYK, G.J. & AMOORE, J.N. (1995). A practical solution for calculating instantaneous values of tension in the extensor muscles of the knee joint during extension and flexion. SA Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 18(1): 77-97.

If the reference is a BOOK, the surname (last name) and initials of the author or editor (Ed.) must be given, followed by the date of publication in parentheses, the title of the book (italics) as given on the title page, the number of the edition (ed.) in parentheses, the city (and abbreviation for the state in the case of the USA) where published, followed by a colon and the name of the publisher.


JEWETT, A.E.; BAIN, L.L. & ENNIS, C.E. (1995). The curriculum process in physical education (2nd ed.). Madison, WI: WCB Brown & Benchmark.

For a CHAPTER from a book, the page numbers of the chapter cited must be provided in parentheses (not italics) after the title of the book. For further details, authors should consult the most recent publication of this Journal for other examples.


DE RIDDER, J.H. (1999). Kinanthropometry in exercise and sport. In L.O. Amusa; A.L. Toriola & I.U. Onyewadume (Eds.), Physical education and sport in Africa (235-263). Ibadan (Nigeria): LAP Publications.

For ELECTRONIC SOURCES all references start with the same information that would be provided for a printed source (if available). The web page information follows the reference. It will usually contain the name of the author(s) (if known), year of publication or last revision, title of complete work in inverted commas, title of web page in italics, Uniform Resource Locater (URL) or access path in text brackets (do not end the path statement with a fullstop) and date of access. See "How to cite information from the internet and the world wide web" at for specific examples. When citing a web site in the text, merely give the address. Note that personal communications such as e-mail are cited only in the text and are not included in the list of references.

Example of Web Page:

ACKERMANN, E. (1996). "Writing your own Web Pages." Creating Web Pages. Hyperlink []. Retrieved 22 October 1999.


If authors honour the rules and specifications for the submission of manuscripts, unnecessary delays will be avoided. A manuscript that does not meet the requirements as set out above, will be returned to the author without being evaluated. Requesting copying rights concerning figures or photographs is the responsibility of the authors.

The first-named author will receive five reprints of the article free of charge. The original manuscripts and illustrations will be discarded one month after publication unless a request is received to return the original to the first-named author. Page charges of R80 per page are payable on receipt of an account issued by the editor.