African Journals Online
South African Journal of Wildlife Research

Issues Available About the Journal

Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....

Publication policy

The South African Journal of Wildlife Research accepts original full-length papers, short communications, book reviews as well as reviews on science-based research and management in the field of renewable natural resources. Contributions will be sent to at least two referees for review and papers will usually be published in order of acceptance. Submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that the material is original and that no similar paper is being or will be submitted for publication elsewhere. Copyright of papers that are published in the Journal is vested in the Southern African Wildlife Management Association and authors bear the sole responsibility for the factual accuracy of their publications. Contributions must be written in English.

Please Note: page charges will be levied for articles published in the Journal. These are currently R80.00 per printed page, or part thereof, for members of the Southern African Wildlife Management Association and R160.00 per printed page, or part thereof, for non-members. Authors will be invoiced by the Secretariat: Southern African Wildlife Management Association.

Presentation of manuscripts

The original manuscript and two clear copies should be submitted. Print on one side of the paper only in double- or triple-spacing with generous margins; this spacing applies to the entire article, including abstract, references, tables, figure captions, etc.

The title must be short (not more than about twelve words) but sufficiently informative for use in title lists or in coding for information storage and retrieval.

The abstract may be up to 200 words long and should give the content of the paper factually and concisely. It should be suitable for separate publication and adequate for indexing.

The first page should contain the title of the paper, the author(s) name(s), mail and e-mail address(es) and the abstract. Please indicate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed with an asterisk and a footnote '*To whom correspondence should be addressed'. Start the paper itself on a new page. Number pages consecutively and identify each page by the author(s) name(s).

Cite references by name and date in brackets. If there are more than two authors, all of them should be named at first mention, thereafter et al. should be used. Refer to all tables and figures in the text and indicate approximately where they should appear. Personal communications and unpublished work should be cited in the text giving the initials, name and date; they should not appear in the list of references.

Use the SI metric system for units of measurement. Spell out numbers from one to nine; use numerals for larger numbers, groups of numbers, fractions or with units, e.g. three; 8-16; 4 kg/ha; 27 impala. Statistical symbols e.g. c should be identified in the margin (Greek I.c. chi), and variables in formulae should be in italics.

Scientific names should be given in full in the text when a genus or species is first mentioned, and should be in italics or underlined.

References should be listed alphabetically by authors' surnames. Authors' names appear in capital letters, the rest of the reference in lower case. Journal names must be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific periodicals. Abbreviations of journal names, NOT book titles, should be in italics.

MANGNALL, M.J. & CROWE, T.M. 2001. Managing Egyptian geese on the croplands of the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 31(1&2): 25-34.

BRAND, D.J. 1993. Physical capture of the black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas). In: A.A. McKenzie (Ed.), The capture and care manual: capture, care and transportation of wild African mammals (pp. 278-285). Wildlife Decision Support Services, Lynwood Ridge.

Tables should be carefully constructed so that the data presented may be easily understood. Care should be taken not to overload tables with information or to have an unnecessary proliferation of tables. When compiling tables the size of the printed publication should be borne in mind. Consult recent issues of the Journal for examples of the layout of tables and, in particular, the layout of column headings. Tables should be numbered consecutively as they are mentioned in the text, using arabic numerals, e.g. Table 1, Table 2. All tables must be typed on separate pages and grouped together at the end of the article.

Illustrations must be prepared on separate A4 sheets and should be numbered chronologically as they are referred to in the text using arabic numerals, e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2. Black-and-white illustrations such as drawings, diagrams, maps and graphs must be originals executed in black on a clean white background, and one set of original illustrations and two sets of copies must be submitted, the originals being essential for good quality reproduction. Photographs should be of excellent quality on glossy paper with clear details, and.adequate contrast, and three sets of prints should be submitted. It is important that lines and symbols be printed sufficiently boldly to withstand reduction which affects not only the size of the figure but also the thickness of all lines. Where very fine lines or small dots are used for shading these may disappear completely with reduction. Freehand and typewritten lettering and lines are not acceptable. Authors are requested to pay particular attention to the proportions of illustrations so that they can be accommodated in single (69 mm) or double (142 mm) columns after reduction. Capital letter height should not exceed 10 mm (or be smaller than 3 mm).

All figures should bear on the reverse side and written in soft pencil, the name of the author, the figure number and, where confusion might result, an arrow indicating the top of the figure. Captions for figures must be collected together and typed on a separate sheet headed 'Captions for Figures'.

Acknowledgments should be brief and direct, and should be made only for assistance outside the normal duties of the parties concerned.


Twenty-five reprints of papers or reviews are provided free to the sole or senior author, who must see to an equitable distribution if there is more than one author. No extra reprints will be provided but reprints on CD ROM in Adobe Acrobat PDF format can be ordered (R150) at proof stage. The CD ROM includes a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.

Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to:

(We encourage electronic submission in a common word processing package, as this speeds up the review process.)

The Scientific Editor
Belinda Reyers
South African Journal of Wildlife Reseach
Conservation Planning Unit
Department of Zoology and Entomology
University of Pretoria
0002 South Africa
Tel: +27 [0]12-318 5215
Fax: +27 [0]12-420 3210
e-mail: [email protected]