Journals Online
Southern African Linguistics and
Applied Language Studies publishes contributions from
any of the disciplines in Linguistics, both theoretical
and applied. The following types of articles will be
considered for publication: Research articles reporting
on research that fulfils the criteria of a generally
accepted research paradigm; review articles, which
critically evaluate the research done in a specific
field; short communications, very short research
articles, or condensed reports on new and meaningful
results which warrant urgent publication and which may
appear in a more comprehensive article at a later stage;
book reviews, concise objective evaluations of books,
which have recently been published will be solicited by
the Reviews Editor. Contributions may be in any of the 11 official languages of South Africa. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 200 words in the language of the article. Articles in languages other than English must be accompanied by an abstract in English and an extended English summary (500-1000 words). All articles will be submitted to referees. Contributions published in Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies become the copyright of NISC Pty Ltd, but authors bear sole responsibility for the factual accuracy of their papers. Only original contributions will be considered for publication. A signed declaration in respect of originality must accompany each manuscript. |
Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted to the Editor. The copies must be submitted on A4 paper, in 1.5 spacing and margins of 30mm on all sides. The lay-out should conform to the following sequence: Title page with title, author's name(s), address(es), e-mail address(es), the name and address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed, and the abstracts. The article itself should commence on a new page and pages should be numbered. A recent issue of the Journal should be consulted for topographical conventions. Footnotes must be avoided. If notes are used, they should be numbered as unparenthesized superscripts and appear at the end of the text under the heading 'Notes'. The numbers must be placed to the right of any punctuation in the text. Examples must be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. The numbers should be parenthesised and placed next to the left-hand margin. Alphabetical numbering may be used in addition, where examples need to be contrasted or compared with each other. If necessary, an appendix should appear at the end of the article. The final and accepted manuscript should be submitted on disk, accompanied by an identical printed copy. MS Word, WordPerfect or ASCII text format should be used.
1. Title:
This should be concise, but sufficiently informative for use in title lists, or in coding for information storage and retrieval. The title should not exceed 12 words. A short running title should also be submitted for use in the header.
2. Author(s):
Should an author's address have changes since the research was carried out, the new address must be given as a footnote
3. Abstract Page:
Should an author's address have changes since the research was carried out, the new address must be given as a footnote
4. References:
References in the text should be cited as follows 'Brown and Gold (2000) stated ...' or '... (Brown & Gold, 2000)', when giving a reference simply as authority for a statement. In works by more than two authors the surnames of all the authors should be given in the first reference to such a work. In later references to this work only the surname of the first author followed by et al. is given. Page references to a book in the text should be given as '... (Brown 1999:40-51)' or 'Brown (1999:40-51) suggests...'. Reference to an item in a newspaper is cited as '... (Daily News, 2000)'. A list of only those publications to which reference has been made in the text must be presented alphabetically according to the authors' surnames and chronologically under each author, with a, b, c etc. when more than one reference per year from the same author(s) is involved. Examples:
Bailey LA and Timms L. 1976. More on women's and men's expletives. Journal of Anthropological Linguistics 18(3):21-29. Labov W. 1969. The social stratification of English in New York City. Washington D.C.: Centre for Applied Linguistics. Human Sciences Research Council. 1978. Analysis of computer speech. Pretoria: Government Printer. The Daily News, Durban, 8 August 2000
5. Tables:
Accompanying tables should be presented on separate A4 sheets and assigned chronological Arabic numerals and short descriptive titles in English, and the language of the article, if the article is not written in English.Tables should be arranged to fit the page vertically with a width of 65mm or 140mm. Tables may include up to 5 horizontal lines but no vertical lines
6. Figures:
Figures must be submitted on separate A4 sheets and numbered chronologically as referred to in the text using Arabic numerals. Figures must be executed in black on a clean white background, and one set of original figures, and three sets of copies must be submitted. Figures can be submitted in the following electronic formats: TIFF, GIF, WMF, EPS, PLT or JPEG once the manuscript has been accepted for publication. It is essential that lines are thick enough and symbols large enough to withstand reduction. Proper drawing facilities giving uniform lettering and lines must be used. Freehand or typewritten lettering and lines are not acceptable. Particular attention should be paid to the proportions of illustrations so that they can be accommodated in single (68mm) or double (142mm) columns after reduction. All figures must have the authors' names and the figure number written on the reverse side using a soft pencil. Figure numbers and descriptive captions should be listed on a separate sheet of paper. Captions should be in English as well as the language in which the article is written, if not in English
Reprints And Page Charges:
25 reprints of contributions are supplied free of charge to the sole or senior author. Reprints in CD-ROM format can be purchased (R 100) from the publishers.
Page Charges: A page charge of R100 per page is levied by NISC. Before the final acceptance of articles for publication in the Journal, authors must provide a written undertaking to pay the prescribed page charges.