Journals Online
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
Instructions to authors..../ Instructions aux auteurs....
The Journal of the South African Veterinary Association publishes
articles of general and particularly of South African veterinary
interest. In the interest of maintaining the international status
of the journal, contributions in English are encouraged.
Contributions in the other national languages may be submitted
but an abstract must be provided in English. Arrangements can
be made to have contributions translated into English, if
requested. Scientific articles, case reports, short
communications and notes (research and clinical), review and
continuing education
articles will be reviewed by at least two referees and the
editor/editorial committee before acceptance for publication.
Letters to the editor are welcomed and will not be refereed, but
will be subjected to editorial correction where necessary.
Summaries of material from workshops, conferences and symposia,
abstracts and other informative material may be submitted and
will be published if considered suitable by the editor/editorial
Before submitting material for publication, a recent issue of
the journal should be consulted to ensure that manuscripts
conform with the norms and house rules of the journal. If in
doubt, please consult the editor on tel. (012) 460-8787, fax
(012) 346-6326, or e-mail: [email protected]
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted to:
The Editor, Journal of the South African
Veterinary Association, 7 Spiral Walk,
Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0081 South Africa.
Manuscripts must typed on one side of the paper only, double
spaced, with 3 cm margins on all sides. Three copies must be
submitted. Communications other than letters to the editor and
certain types of informative material should include an abstract
of not more than 250 words that concisely conveys the content. A
list of not more than 10 key words must be provided.
Articles should be structured as follows:Introduction,
Materials and methods(where applicable),
Results/Observations,Discussion, Acknowledgements and References.
Short communications should not be divided into
Case reports, depending on length, will generally
consist of: Introduction, Case history, Discussion,
Acknowledgements and References. The use of subheadings should be
minimised, with preferably not more than 2 subcategories below a
main subheading such as Results. Illustrations may consist of
linedrawings of good quality that will allow reduction to the
width of 1 or 2 columns, or the width of a page. Photographs
should have good contrast and should preferably be of the size
required in print, i.e. the width of one column (6 cm),
1.5 to 2 columns (912 cm) or page width (18 cm). Lettering
and numbering in figures are not provided by the printer; font
sizes (preferably in Helvetica/Swiss) should be selected for
uniformity, and legibility after reduction. Photographs will be printed in
black-and-white unless the total cost of printing in colour is borne by the author/s. Tables and a list
of captions to figures must be supplied on separate pages. Tables
should be composed to fit the page horizontally.
After acceptance, the final manuscript must be submitted as a
hard copy as wellas on computer disk in WordPerfect, Microsoft
Word or ASCII. Illustrations generated electronically may be
submitted as WordPerfect (WPG) or Windows metafile (WMF) graphics
or in one of the following formats: CGM, CDR or TIF (preferablyin vector
Page proofs are provided for the purpose of checking printer's
errors, and not for author's corrections such as adjustments to
language, style and punctuation. Author's corrections will be
charged to the authors.
Twenty-five offprints are provided free of charge. Orders for
additional offprints must be placed when returning the page
Scientific names, units and symbols, products, statistics
Generic and specific names should be underlined (i.e. not
in italics). Units and symbols: use SI units (Système
International d'Unités). The decimal point instead of the
comma should be used.
The trade name and manufacturer of a product used should be
given in brackets after the reference to the product, e.g. oxytetracycline
(Vetramycin 100 LP, Pfizer AH). When a statistician has been
consulted, this should be clearly reflected in the
References cited in the text are listed alphabetically and
numbered at the end of contributions. They are cited in the text
by the use of superscript numbers, usually at the end of the
sentence. The text must be composed to minimise the citation
of authors' names. Titles must be quoted in the language in which
they were published. The following style is used in the list of
Journal article
1. Bastianello S S, Fourie N, Prozesky L, Nel P W, Kellerman T
S 1995 Cardiomyopathy of ruminants induced by the litter of poultry fed on rations
containing the ionophore antibiotic, maduramicin. II.Macropathology and
histopathology. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research62:
1. Ganong W F 1985 Review of medicalphysiology (12th
edn). Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos
Chapter in book
1. Thomson G R 1994 Foot-and-mouth disease. In Coetzer J A W,
Thomson G R, Tustin R C (eds) Infectious diseases of livestock
with special reference to southern Africa Vol. 1.
Oxford University Press, Cape Town: 825852
Conference proceedings
1. Nielsen J P, Rosendal S 1994 Ciliostasis in the
pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis.
Proceedings of the 13th International PigVeterinary Society
Congress, Bangkok, Thailand,
2630 June 1994: 119
1. Pini A 1977 Strains of African swine fever virus isolated
from domestic pigs and from the tick Ornithodoros moubata in
South Africa. DVSc thesis, University of Pretoria. Citations from
unpublished papersmust be given as personal communications (see
below), unless publication has reached a stage where the journal and volume number can
be cited, when `(in press)' may be used, provided the author
supplies the editor with written proof of acceptance for
publication in that issue of that journal. Personal
communications are cited in brackets in the text as follows: (L
Prozesky, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, pers. comm., 1995),
and are not numbered or listed in the References section.