Journals Online
The Zimbabwe Science News
ABSTRACTS Volume 33(2)
Science in Zimbabwe: Strategies and Solutions
The late J. H. Topps*
* See note in editorial
Formerly of the Department of Agriculture,
University of Aberdeen, 581 King Street, Aberdeen AB15
8HX, Scotland, UK.
Animal Science involves a scientific understanding of
farm livestock. The subject is made up of a number of
scientific disciplines such as nutrition, genetics,
physiology and a few others such as microbiology, which
are of lesser importance but which are increasing in
relevance. It is acceptable therefore, to teach and
review Animal Science by considering each of these
disciplines. Unfortunately, this treatment of the subject
may well mask wholly or partially important interactions
between the disciplines although an attempt will be made
to discuss those of the greatest importance. An
alternative way to write a comprehensive review is to
base it on type of livestock, viz. beef cattle, dairy
cattle, pigs, etc. (Ndlovu, 1994a) so this approach is
also incorporated in this paper.
The fishes of Zimbabwe: A
century of change
Brian Marshall
Department of Biological Sciences, University of
P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare.
The advent of colonial rule in Zimbabwe, marked by the
arrival in 1890 of the British South Africa Company's
settlers, began a series of changes to the country's fish
fauna. These changes are entirely man-made and have
accelerated during the last 100 years, along with the
growth of the human population in the area. This paper
briefly outlines these changes, with some comments on
possible developments in the future.