HEALTH INFORMATION FORUM: Working together to improve access to reliable information for healthcare workers in developing and transitional countries
A list of CD-ROMs exhibited at the Health Information Forum,
'Role of CD-ROMs for healthcare in developing countries', Wellcome Trust,
London, 25 November 2003
The following CD-ROMs are organized by medical subject,
except for CD-ROMs produced by TDR, Wellcome Trust and Update Software, which
produce CD-ROMs on several subjects and are listed separately.
Many of the CD-ROMs listed below are available free of
charge to users in developing countries. However, we are unable to provide
details in all cases - please refer to the producer.
AMREF IEC (Information Education Communication) materials
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
Community Development Library 2.1
A CD-ROM library containing 1785 publications (160,000
pages) in various areas of community development. Human Info NGO - see below.
Developing Health (2003 pilot)
A developing world focused CD-ROM to meet the training needs
of healthcare workers where quality teaching resources are limited.
MMA HealthServe, First Floor, Barker House, 106/110 Watney
St. London E1 2QE
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7790 1336
Fax: +44 (0)20 7790 1384
[email protected]
e-TALC: Health and Development. Issue 4, September
Resource materials on health and development.
Order from e-TALC, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5TX UK.
[email protected]
Fax +44 1865
Footsteps CD v 2.0
Issues 18-50 of Footsteps, a quarterly paper linking health
and development workers worldwide.
Produced by Tearfund, see below.
Greenstone digital library software: A software suite for
building and distributing digital library collections. Ver 1.1, 2003
New Zealand Digital Library Project, Human Info NGO, UNESCO
UNESCO, Information Society Division, Fax +331 45 68 55 83
E-mail: [email protected]
New Zealand Digital Library Project, Department of Computer
Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Human Info NGO, Oosterveldlaan 196, B-2610 Antewerp, Belgium
Pillars CD v 2.0
Partnership in Local Language Resources - a way of sharing
information through discussion within small groups.
Tearfund, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4WQ, UK
Fax: +44 17846 764 594
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
South African Health Review
Health Systems Trust (Health Link Programme)
401 Maritime House, Salmon Grove, Victoria Embankment, PO
Box 808, Durban, South Africa 4000
Tel: 27 31 307 2954
Fax: 27 31 304 0775
e-mail: [email protected]
Anaesthesia Resources, 2003.
TALC/World Anaesthesia
TALC, Teaching Aids at Low Cost, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts
AL1 5TX, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
Journal of Community Eye Health Issues 25-42,
1998-2002. CD-ROM, 2003.
An international journal to promote eye health worldwide.
International Centre for Eye Health, LSHTM, Keppel St.
London WC1E 7HT
tel: +44(0)207612 7964 email: [email protected]
web@ www.jceh.co.uk
Sight and Life,Jan 2003.
Sight and Life , PO Box 2116. 4002 Basel, Swizerland.
AIDS Action
Practical information for health workers, educators and
community carers on HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted infections covering
care, support and prevention. Developed for those who work with resource-poor
communities around the world.
For copies visit www.aidsaction.info
or contact:
Healthlink Worldwide
Cityside, 40 Adler Street, London E1 1EE, UK
Telephone +44 20 7539 1570
Fax +44 20 7539 1580
[email protected]
Alliance Publications and Resources CD-ROM (November
Over 100 publications by the International HIV/AIDS alliance
and its partners.
NGO support toolkit version 2.0 (January 2003).
An electronic library of over 500 resources that broadly
describes NGO/CBO support work, highlights the issues and provides relevant
Publications and Communications Unit, International HIV/AIDS
Alliance, Queensberry House, 104-106 Queen's Road, Brighton BN1 3XF, UK.
Fax: +44 (0)1273 718 901 email: [email protected]
HIV/AIDS - Africa Region. 2003.
The basic facts necessary for courses and workships on HIV,
including prevention. The 3 sections are: clinical manifestations, virology and
transmission, parent to child transmission.
TALC, Teaching Aids at Low Cost, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts
AL1 5TX, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
HIV/AIDS and Nutrition CD produced by Care
Corporate Headquarters:CARE Canada, Suite 200, 9 Gurdwara
Road, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7X6 Canada
Tel: 613.228.5600 Fax: 613.226.5777
Horizons. Findings from the field. A compilation of
publications on HIV/AIDS. Updated august 2003.
Horizons, Population Council, 4301 Connecticute Avenue, NW Suite 280, Washington, DC 20008. Tel:
202-237-9400, Fax: 202-237-8410. Email [email protected] www.popcouncil.org
UNAIDS library, version 2.0. July 2003.
Searchable HTML versions of all UNAIDS publications from
January 1996 to April 2003, in English, French, Spanish and Russian.
No ordering info. available.
UNAIDS. 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Tel: (+44 22) 791 36 66 Fax: (+44 22) 791 41 87
E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.unaids.org
Best Practices Compendium For Family Planning and
Reproduction Health.
Advance Africa, Best Practices Unit, 4301 Fairfax Drive,
Suite 400, Arlington, VA 222203. [email protected]
Caring for Severely Malnourished Children. TALC,
TALC, Teaching Aids at Low Cost, PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts
AL1 5TX, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
Popline CD-ROM
A searchable reproductive health database providing over
300000 citations with abstracts to scientific articles, books and published and
unpublished reports. English, French and Spanish interfaces. For more
information contact the info project at:
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Centre for
Communication Programs, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202,
410-659-6300/Fax: 410-659-2645
Safe Motherhood Strategies: a Review of the Evidence
This CD-Rom results from collaboration between DFID, the European Commission, the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp University and John Snow International - UK. In order to further its commitment to the reduction of maternal mortality, and to ensure that its strategy and policies are based on the available evidence, the EC commissioned 19 scientific background papers which reviewed the published and gray literature on particular topics. These papers were discussed at an expert meeting in Brussels in November 2000. The papers were published by ITM in book form in English and French and over 4,000 copies of the book have been distributed to date. In August 2003, a first edition of a CD-Rom containing the French and English versions was created to meet the continuing demand for these articles. This second edition, funded by the Department for International development (DFID), also contains the Spanish version of the articles. We hope that this user-friendly format will meet the needs of researchers, practitioners and policy makers with an interest in safe motherhood. Please send requests for copies to
[email protected] indicating the number of CD-ROMs requested. Available in English, French and Spanish.
CDCynergy, 2001
Communication Guide for Micronutrient Interventions and
Training tools: 1. Rightsize software and micronutrient malnutrition case study
(Azerbaijan); 2. Micronutrient action plan instructional tool (MAPit).
Order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), 4770 Buford Highway, Mail Stop K-25, Atlanta, GA 30341 USA
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Fax+1 770 488 8455. Cost:
Food and Nutrition Library 2.2, March 2003. Special
Issue United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
A CD-ROM library containing 400+ publications in the fields
of food, nutrition, food processing, food policy and nutrition research.
Community Development Library and Food and Nutrition Library
Ordering information at: http://www.humaninfo.org/order_information.html
Mail or fax a completed order form to
Humanitarian Information for All
c/o Human Info NGO vzw & HumanityCD Ltd
Oosterveldlaan 196 - B-2610 Antwerp - BELGIUM
Fax : 32-3-449-75-74
E-mail : [email protected]
Health, Food and Nutrition Toolkit. Sept 2001
Toolkit, UNHCR, Health and Community Development Section.
Tools and reference materials to manage and evaluate health,
food and nutrition programme
Healthy Documents (1996-2002)
Includes World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action web site,
dialogue on diarrhoea (all issues and supplements). Healthy Documents, World
Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: (604) 658 4816 - Fax: (604) 657 2655
[email protected]
Infant feeding in Emergencies.
Emergency nutrition network-WHO/UNICEF/LINKAGES/IBFAN/ENN.
For emergency relief staff. Manual, trainer's guide and
overheads. March 2001.
Order from Emergency Nutrition Network, Unit 2.5, The Tower,
Trinity Enterprise Centre, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
[email protected] Fax: +353 1 675 2391.
Iron World
Compilation of articles, resources and other information for
those working on improving iron status in developing countries.
Iron Deficiency Project Advisory Service (IDPAS).
International Nutrition Foundation
Order from Iron Deficiency Project Advisory Service (IDPAS),
126 Curtis Street, Medford MA 02155, USA, [email protected],
Fax +1 617
627 3688. No cost to registered IDPAS users. Free registration available through
IDPAS Iron World website ww.micronutrient.org/idpas or registration form can be
emailed, faxed or mailed. An updated CD-ROM will be sent to registered IDPAS
users approximately every six months.
Tools for operationalizing essential nutrition actions
USAID, Basics II
Malaria CD-ROM
Free distribution to institutions with limited or no web
Details from Graham Icke, [email protected]
Royal Perth Hospital, Australia
Plasmodium genome (CD-ROM)
Nature Publishing Group
Genome sequences of P. falciparum and P. yoellii, published
Nature articles on research developments in malaria, Plasmo DB GenePlot, other
malaria resources
Tropical Medicine (French, Dutch, Spanish) 1997. (Tropische Geneeskunde en Importpathologie;
Medicine Tropicale et Pathologie d'Importation; Medicina Tropical), Institute
of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
Titles: Sexually Transmitted Infections (Second
Edition), Malaria (Second edition), HIV/AIDS (Revised edition), Acute
Respiratory Infection, Leishmaniasis, Nutrition, Schistosomiasis,
Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Diarrhoeal Diseases, Sickle Cell
Disease, Trachoma
Each CD contains interactive tutorials (structured learning
tools) and a searchable image collection.
Order through: CABI Publishing, CAB International,
Wallingford Oxon OX10 8DE
Tel: +44 (0)1491 832111
Fax: +44 (0)1491 826090
Web: www.cabi-publishing.org E-mail:
[email protected]
Or for customers in North America: E-mail: [email protected]
WHO reproductive health library (English and Spanish)
Now in its sixth edition, an electronic review journal focussing
on evidence-based solutions to reproductive health problems.
22,000 copies of RHL have been distributed to developing
countries by the WHO. Health workers in developing countries can subscribe to
RHL free of charge by contacting:
The WHO Reproductive Health Library
Special Programme of Research, Development and Research
Training in Human Reproduction
World Health Organisation
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Tel: +41 22 7913380
Fax: +41 22 7914171
Email: [email protected]
Mental Health Library
The full text of all Cochrane systematic reviews relavant to
mental health, a register containing hand-selected and coded trials,
assessments of guidelines and several other collections - including an economic
evaluation collection.
Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines
Primary care treatment recommendations and diagnostic
guidelines developed by The Finnish Medical Society.
Update Software Ltd, Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way,
Oxford, OX2 7LG, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 513902
Facsimile: +44 (0)1865 516918
Sales enquiries: [email protected]
Product and general information: [email protected]
TDR (UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and
Training in Tropical Diseases
Tuberculosis (Videobite files). TDR, 2002.
Schistosomiasis (Videobite files). TDR 2002.
TDR Image Library
(14000+ images)
TDR website.
TDR/AAS. The Mosquito Genome: Anopheles gambiae 2003.
TDR/Monash University. Malaria genome database. 6th
TDR, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211, Geneva
27, Switzerland. [email protected] www.who.int/tdr
The International Health CD-ROM Exhibition was supported by
the BMJ Publishing Group, Exchangeand
Wellcome Trust
Thanks to all exhibitors, and to Ruth Brassington (Wellcome
Trust) for collating the above data.
The International Health CD-ROM Exhibition was run as part
of the Health Information Forum, in response to priorities expressed by subscribers
on HIF-net at WHO, the global email forum on health information development. To
join HIF-net at WHO, send your name, organization and brief summary of
professional interests to Neil Pakenham-Walsh (INASP-Health) at
[email protected]