International Network for the
Availability of Scientific Publications |
No. 15, November 2000 ISSN: 1028-0790 |
In this
Newsletter Editors: Ard Jongsma Neil
Pakenham-Walsh (INASP-Health section) |
In the three years ahead, INASP will assist the
Carnegie Corporation of New York with the implementation
of its programme 'Revitalising Public Libraries in
Africa'. |
About INASPINASP is a co-operative network of partners whose aim is to enhance world-wide access to information and knowledge. It has three immediate objectives:
INASP is a programme of
the International Council for Science (ICSU). |
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In October this year, INASP was invited to assist the Carnegie
Corporation of New York with the implementation of its Public
Library Revitalisation Programme in Africa.
Supporting a series of targeted initiatives within a flexible
framework, the Corporation's first library programme in Africa in
40 years aims to strengthen public libraries and library systems
in a few selected Commonwealth African countries.
"Public libraries are trapped between old forms of service
delivery established before African nations gained independence
and the critical need to modernise systems using technological
advances," says Gloria Primm Brown, Senior Program Officer
of Carnegie's International Development Program. "We need to
learn about the priorities of African librarians, educate funders
about specific issues and talk about opportunities for potential
partnerships." With these issues in mind, Carnegie
Corporation will focus its support on a few African library
systems where it hopes to be able to make a difference.
INASP's role in the programme is divided into three main fields
of activity. The first concerns technical assistance and sector
building and includes acting as the Corporation's 'eyes' and
'ears' in the field, providing appraisal and evaluation of
proposals, and monitoring the progress of the programme.
The second field of activity is research and development.
Following up on the recent study Public Libraries in Africa, also
commissioned by Carnegie, there are several areas where support
to further research, pilot projects and training seminars appear
to be worthwhile and desirable. The Carnegie programme will
provide opportunities for a programme of support, initially
covering three areas: the use of new technologies, evaluation of
performance and impact of library services, and revitalisation of
regional and national professional associations.
To these areas training needs may be added in the future and, in
due course, it is very probable that programme partners will
identify other issues. The programme allows for this.
Impact of the programme will be supported by active dissemination
of project results. This Newsletter, whose frequency of
publication, thanks to Carnegie Corporation support, will be
increased to three times annually, will be an important medium.
Additionally, dissemination to the professional press,
publication of research reports, and presentations at relevant
workshops and meetings are accounted for. Finally, professional
fora within Africa (such as the Standing Conference of Eastern,
Central and Southern African Librarians (SCECSAL) and the West
African Library Association (WALA)), as well as outside Africa
(such as the American Library Association (ALA) and the
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)) will be
used to report progress and new findings.
Revitalising African Public Libraries | Go to top |
By Ellen Tise - LIASA President
LIASA's 3rd annual conference, the Millennium Conference, was
held from 26 - 29 September in Durban. The theme of the 2000
conference was 'Reach the world @ your Library'. More than 480
delegates, representing librarians and information workers from
the entire information sector and from all over South Africa
attended the conference. We were privileged to have amongst us,
five distinguished international speakers, sponsored by the
National Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology. The
five invited international speakers shared with us their rich
experiences from different parts of the world.
Ms Elizabeth Watson from Barbados, President of the Commonwealth
Library Association was the keynote speaker. The title of her
paper was "Inward Stretch, Outward Reach: Today, Tomorrow,
Always". She posed a number of challenges to LIASA and other
library associations in developing countries and concluded her
presentation by saying: "I truly believe that if we stretch
inwards we will be more than up to the challenges that we face.
By looking toward the bright side we will be able to successfully
reach out with confidence, pride and conviction to those who
require our services and also extend the group of people that we
are able to influence."
Elizabeth Watson was followed by Professor Kingo Mchombu from the
University of Namibia, who addressed the conference on the theme
"HIV/AIDS and information; what role for libraries and
information centres." The other guests included Professor E
J Josey, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburg, USA, Ms
Kalpana Dasgupta from New Dehli, India and Mrs Kay Raseroka from
the University of Botswana.
Fifty local speakers presented papers ranging from topics on
information technology and knowledge management to information
for social inclusion, resource sharing, labour legislation in
higher education libraries, and many others.
Ms Gloria Primm Brown, Senior Programme Officer of Carnegie
Corporation who was visiting Durban as part of her study of the
position of public libraries in South Africa, attended two days
of the conference. The Carnegie Corporation of New York is
supporting LIASA for a three year period to assist with the
appointment of full-time staff and the setting up of a permanent
Most of the papers presented at the annual conference will be
made available on the LIASA web site at:
More information from:
Ellen R Tise Dep. Univ. Librarian (Client Services) University of
the Witwatersrand Private Bag X1, WITS 2050, SA Tel: + 27 (0) 11
717 1905 Fax: +27
(0) 11 403 1421 E-mail: [email protected]
As part of the same programme, the Kenya National Library
Service (KNLS) was also invited to submit a proposal for a
planning project to be supported by the Carnegie Corporation. In
Kenya, the project was launched on the first of July
this year. At a planning meeting with all managers of KNLS
branches, six core issues that the study needs to address were
identified. These include: - the legal and policy issues for
library and information services in Kenya; - new ways of
financing library services; - broadening access to library
facilities; - meeting the dynamic information needs from the
public; - introducing/ expanding the use of ICTs in library
management and KNLS operations, and; - reviewing the management
and staff training systems of the KNLS.
The Kenyan project is divided into three different stages: a
project development stage, a data collection and analysis stage,
and a final stage which involves dissemination of the project
findings and the development of a strategic plan for the
revitalisation of the KNLS.
An extensive set of questionnaires, with the help of which data
collection will be carried out, has been put together by the
project committee and its consultants. These were field tested in
seven regions in August. The results of these field tests were
then fed back into a meeting which involved head office managers,
branch librarians and consultants. The subsequent nation-wide
survey was carried out in late September and early October, while
simultaneously the public was invited to express its view through
large public media.
Data analysis is now taking place to prepare for a large meeting
to be held in Nairobi in mid-November. After this a group of KNLS
managers and consultants will convene to develop the strategic
plan for revitalisation of the KNLS.
By Ntlamelang Baratedi
On the basis of research work submitted to INASP in 1999, the
National Library Service of Botswana was also invited by Carnegie
to apply for a six months planning grant (in the range of $50,000
to $75,000) for developing a strategic plan to reform the
Botswana Library system. The National Library Service grabbed
this opportunity and submitted a proposal accompanied by a work
plan. Our budget totalled $67.000.
The six-month planning grant is to be used to develop ideas and
strategies to reform the Botswana Library System. This grant will
be utilised between June and November 2000.
We decided to start with mobilising the staff and getting them to
understand the project very well so that they feel they part of
it from the planning stage up to the implementation stage. The
exercise was done through divisional meetings and the Annual
General Meeting which was held in August 2000. The idea was
welcomed with much enthusiasm by the National Library Service
staff. Different committees have now been set to take up
different assignments from the work plan. Again, this strategy
was chosen to increase the sense of ownership our staff have of
the project and thus increase its impact. We attach a high value
to this project.
The following are the areas which form the work plan to be
tackled over the six month planning period:
All these assignments will form the basis upon which to build future strategies to reform the Botswana Public Library System. Most of the assignments are of a piloting nature and hopefully will bear tangible results encouraging both Carnegie and the National Library Service to continue their reform of the Public Library System.
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By Jayshree Mamtora
The setting up of the Regional ISBN Agency for the South Pacific
in 1986 was seen as an initiative that would benefit both
librarians and booksellers. For booksellers, ISBN would be a way
for marketing their publications and increasing their sales.
Librarians would be more aware of new titles and able to follow
up on legal deposit copies and communication between publishers,
librarians and booksellers would improve generally.
Although the initial response from publishers was encouraging,
the number of new registrations in recent years declined. It
appeared that continued publicity was necessary in a region of 11
countries. There was a need for the ISBN Agency to have a new
lease of life.
Following a reorganisation in 1998, a database for generating
ISBNs was set up the database stores publisher details and
generates ISBNs.
Active approach
In April 1999, responsibility for the Agency was transferred to
the Pacific Information Centre (PIC) of the USP Library. One of
our first priorities was to prepare a new brochure detailing the
virtues of not only ISBN but also CIP
(Cataloguing-in-Publication) and ISSN (International Standard
Serial Number). We actively seek out publishers now, as many new
publishers in the region still do not understand the value of the
ISBN system. In the short time since this strategy was
implemented there has been a marked increase in the number of
publishers being registered.
Information about ISBN and details about the Agency have been
posted on the USP Library homepage and it will soon be possible
to make an ISBN request by completing an electronic form. The
resulting data are now sent to the International ISBN Agency
twice a year for inclusion in their International ISBN Directory.
Reaching out
The University of the South Pacific and the Secretariat of the
Pacific Community have been using ISBNs for their publications
from the very start but a large number of smaller publishers and
printers are still missing out.
Now, there is little point in getting an ISBN if nothing can be
done with it apart from adorning a publication. The next phase
will therefore be to develop an avenue for publishers to
publicise their wares, most probably on the Web.
One of the plans for the future is to develop an ISBN Directory
for the South Pacific. It would be a useful tool for publishers
in the region and would complement the International ISBN
An effort will also be made to reach out to the island nations in
the North Pacific, such as the Marshall Islands. In April 2000
the International ISBN Agency made a formal request for us to
take responsibility for the wider region. Brochures have been
distributed to the North but a lot more work still remains needs
to be done.
Strengthening Pacific publishing
Establishing an ISBN Agency in the South Pacific is providing
assistance for the book trade and libraries in stock control,
ordering and accounting. It has meantan improvement in the
exchange of information about books with all segments ofthe book
trade, better control of the proliferation of published materials
andimprovement in their handling, location and retrieval.
In this way, the Agency helps strengthening publishing in the
Pacific and ismaking a major contribution towards better
bibliographical control. Bypublicising publishers and publisher
codes, the volume of trade will hopefullyincrease, thus improving
the publishing industry. Setting up a web site will makedata
searchable. Ultimately, the ISBN Agency is helping to strengthen
Pacificcollections in the region and in this way, preserve
knowledge and customs of theregion.
More information from:
Jayshree Mamtora Pacific Information Centre The University of the
South Pacific
Library Email: [email protected]
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By Mike Flood Director, Powerful Information
We ran an exercise recently at an NGO workshop in Romania
where we gave a group of young environmentalists a copy of the
photograph (right) of a tree apparently growing out of a shop
front and asked them the simple question: 'What's the problem?'.
The answers were interesting: some said the tree will die because
it has been encased in concrete; some argued that people in
Galati (where the photo was taken) are losing the green spaces to
developers; and some asserted that the planning controls in the
city simply didn't work.
This workshop exercise, one of many training activities we now
run routinely with groups in Central & Eastern Europe and
elsewhere, is designed to explore public attitudes to a range of
environmental and social issues. It enables us to better
understand how such problems arise and how they might be
addressed, and also to explore how to improve access to reliable
and up-to-date information in the countries where we are working.
The Work of Powerful Information
When Powerful Information started out more than ten years ago we
concentrated our efforts on two complex problems: first, how to
understand what kind of information local groups in low-income
countries needed to promote effective sustainable development
initiatives; and second, how best to make this information
available, free of charge. This led to other problems, and not
just where to find the resources, but how to identify bona fide
groups and how to search out appropriate and relevant information
in a world where information and information providers are
proliferating and often quality control leaves much to be
In the years since, we have learned a great deal about tackling
such problems, and have selected and sent out specialist
environmental books to local resource centres and libraries in
more than two dozen countries. We consider this work important
and plan to do more. However, we find our focus shifting from
products to processes: we are today putting more and more effort
into working with local partners to identify, assess and collate
local data (because of the paucity of base-line data in virtually
every area). We are also spending more time advising on the
effective management of information in local group offices, and
undertaking more in-country training on all aspects of NGO
development, from proposal writing to raising public awareness
and stimulating community activity. We have run over 40 workshops
in the last two years and are planning many more.
Practical Support
Powerful Information is working to support NGOs because of the
important role that they can play in society (which is summarised
in the box). NGOs are a part of the 'glue' that holds society
together and one of the main drivers for change.
Over the years we have developed a range of workshop activities
designed to provide practical support to both new and experienced
NGOs in their daily struggle to raise public awareness and change
social attitudes. Our approach is one of looking for solutions
rather than dwelling on problems. In 1998 we produced a 'Know How
Manual' which described 25 workshop activities. We are
incorporating more recent ideas into a new NGO resource pack.
Here are a few examples of the activities that we find work
particularly well:
Five Minutes with the President, which is designed to get
individuals to describe concisely one issue that is importance to
them or their group, and to identify and explain some practical
measures that they would like to see taken by the government;
Preparing for Important Meetings, gets group members thinking
through all the things they need to do to prepare for that
important meeting; Defining Aims and Objectives, helps groups
define what they are about many groups don't have written aims
and objectives; Database, explores what data might be held about
the group on a central database this raises interesting
definitional problems, such as what is an active member, and how
to define what the group actually does; Parish Maps, gets people
thinking, not about problems of economic hardship, health and
pollution, but about things that they treasure, things that make
their neighbourhood distinctive. We find this last activity,
which is based on an original idea pioneered by Common Ground in
the UK, works particularly well since it can promote communal
activities designed to celebrate and protect local heritage and
facilities (see box).
Other techniques we use to encourage greater professionalism in
the NGO sector include: encouraging people to write things down
not just because points are 'on the record' but because it forces
people to think more carefully about what they are proposing;
talking more on the phone - it's remarkable just how much
misunderstanding arises because of poor communication; preparing
contracts in a novel way, sometimes in the form of a final report
so that local consultants have a clear idea of what we are
looking for; providing constructive feedback on reports,
proposals and letters, recognising that our partners are usually
working in their second or third language; and advising on the
more efficient use of software, especially for word-processing
and spreadsheets, and on layout, which is so important in making
documents easier to read.
We have been developing simple databases for groups to use to
keep records everything from details of projects and tasks to
timesheets. We have also been encouraging groups to visit each
other and share their information and experience. Working
together is not only more productive, it's also more fun.
Unfortunately, it is still relatively uncommon.
We have come a long way in 10 years: we now understand much more
about the nature of the problems that NGOs are facing in some of
the less affluent countries. And with our partners, we feel we
are beginning to find practical ways of improving communication
and the quality of information available, and promoting
techniques that can help raise public awareness of key social and
environmental issues.
More information from the PI web-site at:
or from:
Mike Flood, Director Email: mike.flood@
The Role of
NGOs in Civil Society Voluntary and autonomous organisations play a particularly important role in civil society by advancing public debate, building community spirit and raising awareness of contemporary social and environmental issues. They champion causes, often ones that are neither mainstream nor popular defend those that cannot defend themselves, and fight for freedom of opinion and expression; they also confront corruption. In the process NGOs empower individuals and encourage wider participation in communal activity and decision-making, and bring variety and diversity to public life, helping make the world a richer and more fulfilling place. |
Parish Maps offer a way of communicating creatively and
socially how rich everyday places are, and what importance
seemingly ordinary things have to local residents.
The approach involves:
a) identifying the things that are locally distinctive and
special historic buildings and monuments, traditions, costumes,
festivals, geological features, recreational areas where people
meet or play, etc.;
b) learning how to define and measure these things;
c) assessing whether such local features or facilities are
vulnerable to thoughtless planners, heartless developers,
mindless vandals, alien cultures, or simply wear and tear and
public apathy, and;
d) understanding the protection offered by the law and the
possibilities for effective community action.
A well-informed NGO can make a real contribution in all of these
areas, and in the process become accepted by the community.
In the UK over 2,000 Parish Maps have been produced over the last
decade. They have been sewn, woven, knitted, printed, drawn and
painted. Ideas have been brought to life in film, animation,
collage, song and street theatre, and in short plays and poetry.
Some Parish Maps look very like the village maps of old; some are
more like impressionistic or contemporary art, with visual
representation of foods, traditions, fields, buildings,
livestock, wildlife and people. The finished articles are often
proudly displayed in village halls, community centres, local
museums or churches.
Making Parish Maps is not an end in itself but the start of a
process of valuing and appreciating the things that are precious
and distinctive in the locality.
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By Carol Priestley, Director INASP, and Catherine Nyaki
Much has been discussed and written about the possible panacea of
ICT in access to information of all kinds, to all sectors of
society. Indeed, there are many studies and initiatives concerned
with ensuring that African countries are prepared to meet the
challenges of this information age and the key seems to revolve
around access to ICTs and ICT policy development in general. It
has also been observed that many researchers in Africa have to
confront the acute lack of basic data and factual information
relevant to policy-making, a situation that is not unique to the
ICT policy environment. This predicament is not uniformly bleak,
because there is some knowledge of attempted (and successful)
baseline studies and applications in ICT related issues.
Innovation in applications of ICTs is going forward, because the
agencies engaged in it do not wait for policy nor, least
of all, for policy research. It is most important, however, that
policy researchers should become informed about the actual
experiences in which the application of IT/ICTs is being
attempted. In the end, the actual experiences will be a
fundamental source of understanding about the applications of
IT/ICTs in various fields and its social and economic outcomes.
The phenomenal rate at which these applications continue to grow
has meant generally that attempts to collate empirical evidence
have been inevitably out of step with the realities on the
ground. Therefore, policy makers in Africa are confronted by a
difficult conundrum. Their dilemma in developing strategies to
bring the information revolution to Africa by creating truly
national, integrated information infrastructures lies in
simultaneously accelerating its use of high-tech and low-tech
information services. It requires them to nurture the development
of highly sophisticated, world-class channels capable of carrying
the digitised content that now races through the world's
financial systems, educational institutions, and business
networks. At the same time, they must carefully address the
information needs of the vast majority of their populations
mostly rural based and with low per capita incomes.
With all the interest surrounding ICT potential for Africa's
development, where is the evidence? Are ICTs actually changing
the 'shape' of Africa? Do the findings from past studies provide
a backing to the policy advice being given to African
governments? INASP has been involved in supporting preliminary
work in a literature review to provide a synthesis of what has
been done in this area, to give flavour and show the types of
studies that are being conducted, and to justify further
research. Funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York will
allow Dr Catherine Nyaki Adeya, the researcher who carried out
the initial research, to organise her findings into a
publication. This will be a useful resource, especially for many
in Africa who are not able to easily access a number of these
In essence, it is hoped that the review will act as a window of
opportunity for more nationally and locally focused empirical
research and will make a contribution to understanding the
research opportunities and challenges that still face most
African countries.
ICTs should lead to increased access and dissemination of
information at decreased costs. However, there are few studies to
prove this, particularly in the public library sector. Using the
opportunity of the Carnegie Corporation support to revitalising
services to the public in Africa, INASP will invite applications
from programme countries and support one or two pilot projects to
encourage, monitor and document the introduction and application
of ICTs.
The aim of this exercise will be to map information on:
- the size and scale of the required infrastructure; - the level
and nature of staff and user training; - the variety of services
that can be offered (e.g. web pages, Internet access, locally
created databases); - take-up of services by the public, and; -
impact of services on information transfer to the public.
By monitoring the application of ICT in public library services,
it will be possible to share empirical results with other
services. It may also be possible to produce guidelines for the
introduction of ICT activities into public library services in
Expressions of interest have been received from several partners
in Africa.
INASP-Health Update | Go to top |
INASP-Health Update November 2000In continued consultation with Health Information Forum participants and the many hundreds of people, North and South, who share our commitment to universal access to reliable, relevant information for healthcare professionals in resource-poor settings, INASP-Health plans to build on its existing activities, with the aim of delivering the following outputs during 2001-3: 1. a thriving global communications network for intersectoral exchange throughout the international health information community, with a special emphasis on input from those in developing and transitional countries, 2. a dynamic range of demand-led information resources to facilitate communications throughout the international health information community, 3. a neutral focal point for the development of needs-driven action plans to address priorities in health information access, in open consultation with national and local partners and end-users, 4. a capacity-building programme of practical workshops for health information workers and publishers in developing and transitional countries, 5. an accessible central resource of materials relating to information needs, access, application, and monitoring and evaluation, 6. an internationally recognised mechanism for
advocacy and for channelling the voice of those on the
ground to policy-makers and others in positions of
All meetings will take place at the BMA in London,
which generously provides complimentary room facilities.
For those unable to attend physically, email
contributions to the meeting are welcome. Full
proceedings of all HIF meetings are posted at: . |
About INASP-Health INASP-Health is a co-operative
network created by health information providers, |
Computer based training: Improving the uptake and application of informationBy Donna Vincent Roa, Ph.D. Director of
Communication and Associate Project Director Quality
Assurance Project
User input and local adaptation of electronic
Dr. Heiby believes that the results of the Uganda
study are a powerful validation of CAT for healthcare
workers in developing countries. "There are a lot of
programmatic details to work on, but the underlying
approach is going to be difficult to dismiss with this
kind of evidence behind it," he adds.
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Towards partnership between English-speaking
Africa, French-speaking Africa and France Nairobi, 26-29 April
By Marie-Dominique Mouton
In April 2000, librarians and publishers from various countries
of anglophone Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Ghana) and members
of the French Foreign Office department responsible for library
and publishing co-operation met in Nairobi for a three-day
The African professionals explained the current situation of
libraries and publishing in their countries, while the French
participants presented some of the co-operation programmes
developed with countries of francophone Africa. Altogether they
had a large debate about the new policies of partnership between
Africa at large and France.
One of the main aims of the event was to explore ways of
intensifying African collaboration across the linguistic divide
in the fields of library development and publishing. The
conference was also a vehicle for making available outside
francophone Africa, progress and results of the project called
'Publishing, Library and Network Partnership', actually
implemented by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To the left is a list of the presentations made during the
workshop. The presentations have been published as working
The workshop was co-ordinated by Régine Fontaine and
François-G. Barbier Wiesser from the French Foreign Office with
the help of Philippe Bocquier (IFRA, Institut Français de
Recherche en Afrique, Nairobi) and Marie-Dominique Mouton (CNRS,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
More information from: Marie-Dominique Mouton Laboratoire
d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative Maison René-Ginouvès
Université de Paris 10 92023 Nanterre Cedex France [email protected]
Presentations made during the workshop
Scientific Journal Publishing in the Developing world
? translated into French.
The publication Scientific Journal Publishing in the Developing
world ?, written by Anna Maria Cetto in 1998 and published in the
COSTED Occasional Paper Series (No. 3), has been translated into
French by Mr Bakelli Yahia of the CERIST Research Centre of
Algiers (
The manuscript is ready and negotiations are undertaken with ADBS
(Association des Professionnels de l'Information et de la
Documentation) of Paris about publication of the book.
It will be published under the title: L'édition de revues
scientifiques dans les pays du tiers monde ?
In the next issue of the Newsletter we hope to be able to
give more details.
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August 30th saw INASP launching a new phase of African
Journals Online (AJOL 2000). This service continues and expands
the AJOL pilot project which began in 1998. It offers free online
access to the contents of scholarly journals published in Africa.
Its objectives are to: - provide access to research undertaken
and published in Africa; - increase knowledge about African
scholarship; - strengthen African journals publishing.
The INASP Newsletter has followed the progress of the pilot
project (May 1998 and May 2000 issues). The evaluation
recommended that AJOL be expanded to include more journal titles
and abstracts of journal articles.
Features of the new service include: - more journal titles: at
the moment 43 titles are on site. The aim is to provide access to
50 journals (for the time being because of limited funding, only
those in English and excluding South Africa); - more subjects:
agricultural sciences, health, social sciences in addition to
science and technology; - abstracts of articles as well as tables
of contents (TOCs); - back files maintained for up to 5 years; -
key word search of journal contents; - links to full text (if
available on the Web); - document delivery of articles by fax or
Inclusion in the service is free to journals. INASP pays for a
subscription and proceeds from document delivery are also
remitted to the respective journals. Funds from NORAD have
enabled AJOL 2000 to get off the ground. Additional funding is
being sought.
In order to publicise the service, 2,500 fliers were sent to
Africana scholars, libraries, journals and NGOs. Notices were
also placed on listservs and in newsletters. An offer of free
photocopies for the first six months is being made to introduce
the document delivery service. The result has been overwhelming.
Up to the end of September, over 700 users (from all corners of
the world) have registered to use the service. The access count
for the last week of September was 4,239.
Amongst the many responses received have been requests to include
South African journals, those from Francophone Africa and titles
in the humanities, particularly in arts and literature. These
would strengthen the service and INASP is actively raising funds
to this end. We are also considering electronic document
The success of AJOL will ultimately be measured not by the
numbers who register but by the numbers of those who continue to
use the service. And, what is more, start reading African
journals regularly, take out subscriptions and buy photocopies.
INASP will be monitoring future usage carefully.
To use the service, go to:
Send suggestions for new titles or any comments about AJOL, to: [email protected]
Journal Titles (at October 2000)
Science & Technology
Social Sciences
"I have looked at the AJOL website and
find it interesting and useful"
Elizabeth le Roux, Africa Institute of South Africa
"Thanks very much for the AJOL initiative - it is
Sven Ouzman, National Museum of South Africa
"A very very very wonderful site"
Sanyakhu-Sheps Amare, NECC, USA
"This is a great project"
Karen Fung, Stanford University, USA
"Excellent initiative"
Marcel Fafchamps, University of Oxford, UK
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INASP's programme to strengthen the role of regional library associations in Africa is not limited to supporting the biennial conferences of SCAULWA (Standing Conference of African University Libraries Western Area) and SCANUL-ECS (Standing Conference of African University Libraries in East, Central and Southern Africa) (as reported in the May 2000 INASP Newsletter). Assistance is also being offered in the production of news-letters and in the implementation of research studies.
Both SCAULWA and SCANUL-ECS have each published and
distributed a newsletter in 2000. That of SCAULWA (in English and
French) mainly reported on the SCAULWA resuscitation conference
and provides abstracts of the papers presented. That of
SCANUL-ECS looks both back to the 1998 conference in Kenya and
forward to the 2000 conference in Windhoek. There are also
articles on the African Virtual Library Initiative and the USIU
Library automation project.
SCAULWA's research projects for 2000/2001 are the compilation of
two directories: the first a directory of the status of ICT in
University Libraries in the West Africa Sub-Region; the second a
directory of University Libraries in the West Africa Sub-Region,
including details of professional librarians.
Following on the research into library incomes presented at the
Windhoek Conference in April, SCANUL-ECS are preparing to publish
a volume containing a number of case studies entitled 'Income
Generation: expe-riences from eight university libraries in
Southern, Central and Eastern Africa'. (Details will be available
on the INASP Web site and in future Newsletters) In addition,
Professor John Willemse (formerly of UNISA) has been commissioned
to develop, formulate and finalise common guidelines, norms and
standards for a number of income issues, suitable for practical
application in university li-braries in the SCANUL-ECS region.
Connecting a university library to the Internet does not
necessarily mean that it will be used to disseminate information.
Librarians need to know how to access and filter what is on the
Web. That is the aim of INASP's workshop programme on 'Using the
Internet', which is currently travelling between university
libraries in Africa.
A comment from a participant at the most recent workshop at
University of Nairobi in September shows that it is meeting this
objective: "It was a full five-day intensive seminar with
homework, reading, group assignments, hands-on exercises, etc. I
think it was very valuable for me to have such an extensive
period of time to dedicate entirely to learning how to access and
evaluate the information available for research, study and
teaching on the Internet".
The workshop has already been hosted by university libraries in
Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia, Ghana and Kenya. It travels to
Makerere University, Uganda in December, followed by Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, in February and Zimbabwe in April 2001.
INASP is now receiving requests both to extend the workshop
series, assist in facilitating more workshops on a national basis
and offer similar workshops at a more advanced level.
In another development, INASP is joining with the Programme for
Information Access and Connectivity (PIAC) in organising an ICT
Workshop for African Universities in Uganda in December. This is
at the request of the ADEA Working Group for Higher Education and
will bring together both end-users and librarians to evaluate
Internet resources within a few disciplines of key concern to
African universities.
For more information on any of the projects described on these
pages contact Diana Rosenberg. Email: [email protected]
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By Maritza Hee Houng
The Latin American and Caribbean region is moving fast ahead with
updating its information and knowledge management processes.
Institutions in the agricultural, health, and socio-economic
sectors are collaborating in the development of Internet-based
information resources. The common element here is the application
of ICTs and the shared vision is one of increased information for
all users. Here is some news of recent developments.
A new agricultural information and documentation system
for the Americas
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
(IICA) is spearheading dynamic developments in the area of
agricultural information. IICA has a long established tradition
for excellence in agricultural information. It coordinated, for
example, the AGRINTER Network for several years. AGRINTER was the
Latin American component of the AGRIS system (International
Information System for Agriculture) developed and managed by the
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Changing
information technologies have forced a rethinking on how networks
function, but the linkages made in the AGRINTER network, proved
of tremendous assistance when IICA started the redesign of their
IICA is currently building national, regional and international
information systems to support agricultural development faced by
the challenges of globalisation, free trade and economic
integration. IICA's web-site, at provides
access to major libraries, networks, and statistical and economic
information systems. With support from the Kellogg Foundation,
IICA is building a hemispheric component of the network. The
Agricultural Information and Documentation System for the
Americas (SIDALC), as it has been named, will consolidate
national agricultural information networks, databases, electronic
libraries, and generate new information products. Its URL is:
SIDALC's development is being facilitated by a consortium of
agricultural libraries which will guide the co-operative efforts,
develop priorities and provide for a formal communication
mechanism. The US National Agricultural Library, the Canadian
Agriculture Library and major Latin American libraries make up
the consortium.
This initiative is complemented by an ongoing project which
establishes a Hemispheric Network of Agricultural Distance
Learning Centres. For the Caribbean, the Hub is located in
Barbados, while two satellite centres in the Dominican Republic
and Jamaica have also been commissioned. Satellite centres in
Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas and Grenada are scheduled to be
opened later this year. These centres and others to be opened in
2001 will use CD-ROM and Internet-based courses prepared in the
Virtual health library launched in Trinidad & Tobago
The Medical Sciences Library of the University of the West Indies
at Mount Hope, Trinidad hosted a stakeholders' meeting on
September 12, 2000 to discuss the establishment of a Virtual
Health Library (VHL), in Trinidad and Tobago.
The VHL is the latest development in the management of
health-related literature in the Caribbean and Latin America. It
enhances the existing health information management
infrastructure. Librarians in the region collect, organise, and
index health-related literature of the region and provide access
to the resulting databases such as MEDCARIB and LILACS through
different media including CD-ROM and the Internet.
Already operational in some Latin American countries, the VHL is
to be a broad collection of health-based scientific and technical
knowledge, organised and stored in electronic format in the
countries of the region and compatible with international
databases and universally accessible sources on the Internet.
BIREME, (the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health
Sciences Information) is the network co-ordinating centre. Mr.
Abel Packer, Director of BIREME, a PAHO Centre based in Brazil,
shared this vision with stakeholders in Trinidad and Tobago and
initiated the launch of the prototype for the Trinidad and Tobago
component of the VHL.
A major feature offered by the VHL is the 'Portal', a scientific
periodicals directory in the health sciences field that offers
information on the availability of electronic-based full text
journals. In the widely dispersed islands of the English-speaking
Caribbean, for medical personnel without direct access to the
medical libraries in the major centres this will be a
breakthrough in information access.
To access the VHL go to:
Caribbean agricultural information service (CAIS) holds
sensitization workshop
CARDI (the Caribbean Agricultural; Research and Development
Institute) is the Caribbean's premier agricultural research and
development institution. It has played a major role in managing
and delivering agricultural information in the region for several
decades. The increasing complexity of information dissemination
has forced CARDI to look for new ways of carrying out its
CARDI's information activities are now structured within the
Caribbean Agricultural Information Service (CAIS). CAIS runs a
number of pilot projects in the region aimed at developing
national networks. It offers specific information products and
services. CAIS also analyses existing agricultural information
infrastructures in CARDI member states, and hosts annual training
CARDI has operated as the Centre for Agricultural and Rural
Cooperation's (CTA) Regional Branch Office for the Caribbean
since the mid 1980s. In October, CTA and CARDI hosted a training
Workshop on Strategic Issues in Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) for Senior Policy/Decision Makers in the
Development of Caribbean Agricultural Sector Institutions in
Barbados. The workshop programme included presentations from
international and regional ICT specialists, demonstrations,
practical sessions and moderated discussions. It is expected that
one outcome of this meeting will be improved strategies and
application of ICTs by Caribbean agricultural sector participants
attending the workshop.
For further information contact:
Mrs. C. De Freitas CARDI Information Resources Manager Email: [email protected]
UNECLAC initiates Caribbean digital library
In May 2000, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) convened a meeting to discuss
the establishment of a Caribbean Digital Library. Participants
came from regional institutions, national and regional
information centres, and non-governmental and academic
institutions. With their endorsement, the digital library was
formally established. UNECLAC has played a lead role in the
development of information systems and services in the Caribbean.
It spearheaded the development of the Caribbean Network of Social
and Economic Planning (CARISPLAN), a regional bibliographic
database which incorporates information products and services
such as indexes and abstracts, online services and document
The Caribbean Digital Library is a successor to CARISPLAN and
uses Web technology as the new vehicle of information exchange.
UNECLAC will host and lead the Caribbean Digital Library while a
Steering Committee, selected from participants to the inaugural
meeting, will continue the development process. The content of
the library will initially include the full text of documents
available for unrestricted circulation produced by governments,
regional organisations and the private sector in a wide range of
subject fields.
The Caribbean Digital Library can be accessed at:
For further information contact:
Ms. Sandra John Chief, Documentation UNECLAC Email: [email protected]
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By Neil Pakenham-Walsh, INASP
In August this year, INASP participated in the Tenth
International Conference of Science Editors, IFSE-Rio, held in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This brought together scientific editors
and information specialists from around the world to discuss
current scientific publishing, from the perspective of both
developed and developing countries. INASP presented observations
on the current state of publishing in Africa and the potential
contribution of the new INASP African Journals Online programme
(AJOL 2000), which was launched during the conference. The full
text of the presentation is on the INASP web site. The following
includes extracts from the conference.
Ellis Rubinstein, Editor of Science, defended the role of
journals, whether print and/or electronic. They serve a role to
ensure quality, to save time for the reader, and to foster a
community. Open public access carries disadvantages of lack of
quality control, user overload with suspect data, and risk of
chaos through lack of organisation of material. Scientists want
others to point them to what is important, they do not want to
spend hours looking for it.
Carol Tenopir, School of Information Sciences, Tennessee, agreed
the most important commodity for readers is time. They want
editorial improvement of language and presentations, together
with peer review control of content.
Frank Gannon, Executive Director, European Molecular Biology
Organization, pointed out that some models of open access
initiatives are regarded as potential monopolies, and presented
an alternative model, E-BioSci, a distributed network of
providers, which will be launched at the end of 2000.
Peter Boyce pointed out that 'if users can't get it on their
desktop they won't bother'. Easy access is critical, and can be
enhanced by graphic mapping search tools, built on neural
networks. This is the method currently used in the Astrophysics
Data System.
'The pace of change is enormous. The magnitude of the change is,
likewise, beyond what we have faced since the time of Gutenberg.
Yet, the underlying needs are the same to organise, to
locate, to access, to use, and to preserve information. Scholars
will sorely need a well thought out approach to organizing
information if we are to avoid descending into chaos.'
Stevan Harnad of the University of Southampton called for the
removal of the 'access-blocking fire-walls' of electronic
subscriptions, site licenses, and pay-per-view, into a new era of
free open access. Journal publication will downsize, he says, to
Quality-Control and Certification (QC/C through peer review and
editing), which will be paid for up-front at the
author-institution end.
Authors want wide dissemination and users want unrestricted
access, said Fiona Godlee, Editorial Director for Medicine,
BioMed Central. But they also want peer review. BioMed Central
offers an umbrella site for biomedical journals based on a model
of 'open access and open peer review'. The site will provide
tools for authors and users, authors retain copyright, and there
will be a bias towards publication. Moreover, reviewers are aware
of the names of authors of all papers they review, and vice
versa, and reviews will be signed and posted for all to see.
Much research in developing countries is unpublished and lost to
science, says Barbara Kirsop, and electronic publishing can help
overcome this problem. The Electronic Publishing Trust works
closely with the non-profit Brazil/Canada/UK Bioline
International. It currently hosts the full text of 15
peer-reviewed bioscience journals from developing countries,
while promoting the transfer of electronic publishing skills and
technology to publishers.
James Testa described the Institute for Scientific Information
and its mission 'to provide comprehensive coverage of the world's
most important and influential journals for its subscribers'
current awareness and retrospective information needs.' The ISI
applies special criteria to developing-country journals, taking
into account their particular audience and scope.
Benitez-Bribiesta called for an end to abuse of the Impact
Factor. The IF was originally developed as a tool for the
management of library collections, not journal quality. 'Journals
with a high impact factor will continue to receive the highest
quality contributions, thus condemning low-impact journals,
mainly those of developing countries, to obscurity.'
Abel Packer, Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Centre
for Health Information (BIREME) described the latest developments
in SciELO (Scientific Library Online), now operating in Brazil ( ), Chile
(, Costa Rica (
), and Cuba (
). The ScieELO sites (collections of scientific journals
published on the Internet) not only increase the visibility of
journals, but also form a co-operative network of their own,
encouraging scientific communication within and between
'Virtually every new technology tends to exacerbate the
inequalities that separate the rich from the poor', warned
Subbiah Arunachalam of the Swaminathan Research Foundation. 'The
newer and more potent the technology, the greater is its ability
to increase the inequalities. [...] Merely making journals and
preprints available on the web is not enough [...] What is needed
is a much broader package, including education, provision of the
necessary technology [...] and mobilising governments, academies,
professional societies and academic institutions to take
advantage of the new developments [...] Indeed it is the
scientists and scholars of the developing world who could benefit
most from open archives initiatives [...] Ironically, they are
the last to adopt and benefit from them.'
More information and papers can be found on BIREME's web-site
Choose <Proceedings>
"Much research in developing countries is unpublished and lost to science."
"Indeed it is the scientists and scholars of the developing world who could benefit most from open archives initiatives [...] Ironically, they are the last to adopt and benefit from them."
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By Jeremy Taylor
Distressed by the decline of book publishing in the Caribbean, a
group of regional publishers has formally launched a new
organisation to try and turn the business around.
The Caribbean Publishers' Network (CAPNET) was launched in Port
of Spain, Trinidad, on June 27, at a meeting of 12 book
publishers, editors and promoters from Trinidad and Tobago,
Jamaica, Belize, Puerto Rico, French St Martin and Mexico. The
organisation will develop a strategy for training potential
publishers in the logistics of the business, tapping
international funding for the development of book production, and
building a vibrant indigenous publishing industry in the
"It's a big challenge," admitted Ian Randle, of Ian
Randle Publishers in Jamaica, who has published over 150 titles
in the last ten years, and was elected President of the new
organisation. "But we already have promises of support from
several international organisations once CAPNET is set up, so we
can no longer avoid the issue a lively and active regional
organisation is essential." Randle points out that few, if
any, of the Caribbean's leading creative writers, artists and
intellectuals have been published in the Caribbean.
"Publishing in the region remains in a state of chronic
underdevelopment. Not only is there no sustained growth, but
publishing is actually in decline, with a number of publishing
houses going out of business. No new publishing entities are
emerging to replace them, and book publishing remains the poor
relation of all the other segments of the media and culture
Among the most crippling problems, Randle says, are the inability
to source capital and to compete with huge metropolitan
publishing conglomerates to market, distribute and promote
Caribbean books.
CAPNET plans to change all that. By mobilising both international
and regional resources, it aims to bring professional training
programmes to the industry, and represent regional publishers at
the crucial international book fairs to which individual
publishers cannot usually afford to go. It will encourage
intra-regional trade in books and rights, create a regional
publishing web-site where Caribbean books can be ordered online,
and develop a Caribbean Book Fair. It has already been invited to
exhibit Caribbean books at this year's Guadalajara Book Fair, the
world's largest Spanish-speaking book fair. "CAPNET is a
strictly independent, professional, non-profit
organisation," says Randle, "and we are very serious
about building a truly indigenous publishing industry in the
Caribbean. African publishers have had a similar organisation
since 1992 it now represents 27 African countries and has
been very successful in putting African books on the map
and we are going to do the same for the Caribbean."
In addition to Ian Randle, the initial CAPNET council also
includes Montserrat Duran (Belize), Dr Suzie Giskus (Curaçao),
Ilona Armand (Haiti), Alfredo Torres Otero (Puerto Rico), and Ken
Jaikaransingh and Jeremy Taylor (Trinidad and Tobago).
For more information contact: Jeremy Taylor Email: [email protected]
Pacific Book Fair
Coinciding with publication of this Newsletter (early November)
the Festival of Pacific Arts takes place in New Caledonia. The
festival takes place every four years in a different Pacific
Islands country. In the run up to this year's festival, the
Institute of Pacific Studies have successfully lobbied with the
festival organisers for inclusion of a book fair in the programme
of the event.
It is the first time that a regional book fair takes place and
the organisers hope it will result in closer ties among the
publishers of the participating countries. Ideally, the event
would lead to the establishment of a publishers' network along
the lines of African APNET or the recently established CAPNET
(see elsewhere in this issue). In the next issue of the
Newsletter we hope to carry a report on the event
Notice Board |
The INASP Newsletter Notice Board is a public
forum for organisations and institutions wishing to
advertise their projects, activities, offers or requests.
Short contributions can be sent to the editor at INASP. |
For a number of West African Institutions, INASP has available
copies of the publication Matatu.
Matatu, originally a journal, is now more considered a series of
books on African literatures and societies dedicated to
interdisciplinary dialogue between literary and cultural studies,
historiography, the social sciences and cultural anthropology.
Animated by a lively interest in African culture and literature
(including the Afro-Caribbean), Matatu moves beyond worn-out
clichés of 'cultural authenticity' and 'national liberation' and
towards critical exploration of African modernities. The East
African public transport vehicle from which Matatu takes its name
is both a component and a symbol of these modernities: based on
'Western' (these days usually Japanese) technology, it is a
vigorously African institution; it is usually regarded with some
anxiety by those travelling in it, but is often enough the only
means of transport available; it creates temporary communicative
communities and provides a transient site for the exchange of
news, storytelling, and political debate.
Matatu is firmly committed to supporting democratic change in
Africa, to providing a forum for interchanges between African and
European critical debates, to overcoming notions of absolute
cultural, ethnic, or religious alterity, and to promoting
transnational discussion on the future of African societies in a
wider world.
More information on Matatu can be found on the web-site of
publishers Rodopi at:
The next INASP Newsletter will be published in February 2001. If you would like to contribute to its contents, please write to the editorial address above. Contributions must be received by 15 January 2001. |
The International Network for the Availability of
Scientific Publications 58 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1ST, UK. Tel: + 44 (0)1865 249 909 Fax: + 44 (0)1865 251 060 E-mail: [email protected] Website: and
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