Components and methodology
The programme has three interrelated components: materials development, face-to-face training workshops and the development and maintenance of a distributed knowledge base on bandwidth optimisation and management and information dissemination. Different methodologies and approaches will be taken during the implementation of each component but the underlying approach will be the same, namely, that of a collaborative and consultative approach between the programme partners and target participants and beneficiaries.
Materials development
- Materials development will be via collaborative development, led by expert workshop planners and designers and involving representative target participants and beneficiaries of the final workshops.
- A modular materials structure will be used to ensure maximum transferability of any selected workshop materials. An initial draft outline of modules is contained in appendix 2.
- Translation of materials into French and Spanish.
Face-to-face training workshops
- Local expert led and facilitated training using travelling workshops methodology.
- Participatory learning.
- Workshops will result in the development of local action plans for institutional representatives to implement on their return to their institutions.
Distributed knowledge base and information dissemination
- Open access will be provided for all outcomes and workshop materials under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0.
- Workshop materials will be structured in line with the materials structure developed and used by the ItrainOnline MMTK initiative.
- Development and maintenance of bandwidth optimisation section on the ItrainOnline portal.
- Workshop materials will be published (including on CD) and promoted in a range of initiatives e.g. the INASP Web site, ItrainOnline, AAU General Conference, ATICS, PAREN, etc.