PC Troubleshooting for Library Personnel
Aim: To enable each institution to develop a realistic PC troubleshooting diagnostic procedure appropriate to their circumstances.
- To enure that participants are able to understand how to approach PC troubleshooting
- To identify the core technical components relating to troubleshooting
- To enable participants be able to resolve a number of common hardware problems
- To be able to recognise when to seek additional technical help in fixing hardware
- Identify common problem areas within software components
- Be able to resolve a number of common software related problems
- To understand and resolve common peripheral problems
- Be able to resolve simple network and Internet problems
- Identify characteristics of anti-virus software and policy and know how to deal with viruses
- Have developed an overall process for troubleshooting equipment
- Be able to liaise with IT support department
- Be able to utilise the Internet for help and advice
Course Materials
All of the materials for running this workshop are freely available to download and use - please read our copyright and conditions of use statements first. We do ask you to complete a simple registration form (so that we can track usage and interest in these materials). We are also very keen to hear from people who have used or are thinking of using the materials - all are most welcome.
A full breakdown of the modules available as part of this workshop is also available.