African Journals Online
African Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Volume 2 No. 1 March 2002
Michael Foster1 and Abel Lufafa2
The Green revolution provided humanity a tool to ameliorate
the impact of impending global hunger and poverty for a brief
period. Inequities in the distribution of the green revolution's
benefits reflected intrinsic and widening disparities between
people of the world at global, national, community and family
level, and also even by gender. Current population trends are
contributing to a growing escalation in global poverty and hunger
that threaten to wipe out the current global food surplus. In
sub-Saharan Africa, the depth of poverty and hunger is already
great and environmental degradation is further reducing the
productive resource capacity. A new vision of humanity's welfare
is that our common future demands a second green revolution that
will redress inequities in distribution of the benefits of
agricultural intensification in favor of the rural poor.
Furthermore, future gains in food security should not be achieved
at the expense of environmental conservation. A third and more
difficult challenge for future advances in agricultural
innovation is that it must also encompass much broader objectives
for rural development and address the full scope of rural
livelihood opportunities provided by increased urban migration.
Measures needed to ensure future food security demand clear,
effective and synchronized strategies for an accelerated
intensification of agriculture and hence economic growth. This
will require a climate of greater political stability and
fundamental social change. Such strategies must target poverty as
a root cause of hunger and low development of rural economies.
Above all such strategies must create the necessary framework for
broader application of productivity-enhancing technologies as the
engines for sustainable economic growth. Greater progress and
efficiency can be achieved through more appropriate institutional
approaches that permit greater flexibility and collaboration
between existing institutions. Alternatively, new institutions
that provide a shift in the focus for development can be created.
However, such institutions must also permit a broader and
well-synchronized approach that generates strong synergies
between countries and existing institutions.
Key words: Food Security, Agricultural Intensification and
Green Revolution.
1Country Director, Sasakawa Global 2000, P.O. Box
6987, Kampala, Uganda
2Lecturer, Soil Science Department, Makerere
University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
L'Intensification agricole: Nourrir nous et l'Afrique qui
soutient'les ressources de terre de s dans le nouveau millénaire
Michael Abu Sakara Foster and Abel Lufafa
Le Vert révolution a fourni humanité un outil améliorer
l'impact d'imminent global faim et pauvreté pour un bref
période. Inequities dans la distribution du vert révolution's
profite reflété intrinsèque et élargissant disparités entre
gens du monde à global, national, , et aussi par gender. Actuel
population contribuent à un croissant escalade dans global
pauvreté et faim qui menace éliminer l'actuel global nourriture
. Dans sous-Saharan , la profondeur de pauvreté et faim est
déjà et écologique degradation également réduit le productif
ressource . Un nouveau vision d'humanité's est que notre commun
avenir exige un deuxième vert révolution qui corrigera
inequities dans distribution des profits d'agricole
intensification partisan du rural pauvre. De plus, les gains
d'avenir dans la sécurité de nourriture ne devraient pas être
atteints aux frais de la conservation écologique. Un tiers et
plus défi pour avenir dans agricole innovation est qu'il aussi
doit entourer beaucoup objectifs pour rural développement et
adresse le plein étendue de rural gagne-pain fourni par
augmenté urbain migration. Mesures a eu besoin d'assurer avenir
nourriture sécurité clair, efficace et synchronisé stratégies
pour un accéléré intensification d'agriculture et par
conséquent croissance. Ceci exigera un climat de plus grand
politique stabilité et fondamental social changement. Telles
stratégies doit cible comme une racine de faim et bas de rural .
Par-dessus tout telles stratégies doit créer le nécessaire
structure pour large application de productivité embellissement
technologies comme les moteurs pour viable économique
croissance. Plus grand progrès et efficacité peut être atteint
par plus institutionnel approches qui permet plus grand
flexibilité et collaboration entre existant institutions. Comme
alternative, les nouvelles institutions qui fournissent un
changement dans le focus pour le développement peuvent être
créées. Cependant, telles institutions aussi doit permettre un
large et bien-synchronisé approche qu'engendre fort synergies
entre pays et existant institutions.
Principal : Nourriture , Agricole , et Vert .
George Kent1
Advocates of globalization favor market liberalization and
export-oriented agriculture. They favor large-scale operations
with high levels of mechanization. For the advocates of
globalization, the basis of food security is wealth, and the
possibility of obtaining food from diverse sources through the
open market. The critics see the intensive penetration of goods
and capital from outside into poor countries as another phase of
neo-imperialism, a thinly disguised instrument for the
exploitation of the weaker peoples of the world. Many critics of
globalization want to limit both export and import of foods. They
favor small-scale enterprises and local production for local
consumption. They advocate diets that are simple and natural, and
depend to a large degree on home production rather than on the
marketplace. For the critics of globalization, the basis for food
security is self-sufficiency. We can understand the division
between globalization's advocates and its critics in terms of two
connected points: markets do not benefit everyone equally, but
are beneficial mainly to the rich and powerful, and strategies of
self-sufficiency do not benefit everyone equally, but are
beneficial mainly to the poor and weak. This explains why the
strongest advocates of free markets are the rich, and the
strongest advocates of self-sufficiency are the poor and their
friends. Strategies of self-sufficiency protect the weak from
potentially exploitative relationships with those who are
stronger. Poor countries must build self-sufficiency in order to
be able to engage in the global market place from a position of
strength. They can begin by assuring their food sovereignty, and
thus reduce their vulnerability. African and other poor countries
must build up their capacity to say no to the forces of
globalization, because only then will it be safe for them to say yes.
Key words: globalization, trade, markets, exports,
1Department of Political Science, University of
Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-2281, USA.
Email: [email protected]
George Kent
Défenseurs de globalization faveur marché et
exportation-orienté . Ils favorisent des opérations à grande
échelle avec les niveaux supérieurs de mécanisation. Pour les
défenseurs de globalization, la base de sécurité de nourriture
est la richesse, et la possibilité d'obtenir de nourriture des
sources diverses par le marché ouvert. The critics see the
intensive penetration of goods and capital from outside into poor
countries as another phase of neo-imperialism, a thinly disguised
instrument for the exploitation of the weaker peoples of the
Beaucoup de critiques de globalization limiter exportation et
importation de nourritures. Ils favorise à petite échelle et
local pour local . Ils recommandent des régimes qui sont simple
et naturel, et dépendre à un grand degré sur la production de
maison plutôt que sur le marché. Pour les critiques de
globalization, la base pour la sécurité de nourriture est
Nous peut comprendre la division entre globalization's et ses
critiques sur le plan de deux connecté points: marchés ne
profite pas tout le monde également, mais sont avantageux
principalement au riche et puissant, et stratégies de
d'instruction ne profite pas tout le monde également, mais sont
avantageux principalement au pauvre et faible.
Ceci explique pourquoi le fort de libre sont le , et le fort
de d'instruction est le et leurs . Les stratégies de
d'instruction protègent le faible de potentiellement les
rapports de exploitative avec ceux-là qui sont robuste.
Les pays pauvres doivent construire d'instruction afin de
pouvoir engager dans l'endroit de marché global d'une position
de force. Ils peuvent commencer en assurant leur souveraineté de
nourriture, et ainsi réduire leur vulnérabilité. Africain et
autre pauvre pays doit développer leur capacité dire non aux
forces de globalization, parce que seulement fera il est sûr
pour les dire oui.
Le mots principal: globalization, le commerce, les marchés,
les exportations, d'instruction
Francis Mathooko1* and Elizabeth
N. Kiniiya1
The effects of two levels each of sodium
metabisulfite and sodium benzoate on the shelf-life of canned
lime juice stored at ambient temperature was based on ascorbic
acid degradation as an index. Sodium metabisulfite increased the
shelf-life significantly (P<0.05) compared to sodium benzoate,
whose effect was not significantly different from that of the
control sample. Increasing sodium metabisulfite concentration
from 150 ppm to 300 ppm had a significant stabilizing effect
(P<0.05) on ascorbic acid although it did not prevent
completely its destruction during storage. Doubling sodium
benzoate concentration from 150 ppm to 300 ppm had no significant
increase in ascorbic acid stability. From linear regression
calculations, 300 ppm sodium metabisulfite resulted in the
longest shelf-life of 49 weeks while the control samples had the
shortest shelf-life of 22 weeks.
Key words: Ascorbic acid stability; Citrus aurantifolia;
lime juice, sodium metabisulfite, sodium benzoate, shelf-life.
*Corresponding author Email:
1Department of Food Science and Postharvest
Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, P.O. Box 62000, Nairobi, Kenya
Francis M. Mathooko and Elizabeth N. Kiniiya
Les effets de deux niveaux chacun de benzoate de metabisulfite
de sodium et sodium sur l'étagère-vie de pu le jus de chaux
emmagasiné à la température ambiante a été basé sur
ascorbic degradation acide comme un index. Metabisulfite de
sodium a augmenté l'étagère-vie significativement (P<0.05)
en comparaison du benzoate de sodium, dont l'effet n'était pas
significativement différent de que de l'échantillon de
contrôle. La concentration de metabisulfite de sodium croissante
de 150 ppm à 300 ppm a eu un effet significatif qui stabilise
(P<0.05) sur l'acide de ascorbic bien qu'il n'ait pas
empêché completément sa destruction pendant l'emmagasinage. La
concentration de benzoate de sodium qui double de 150 ppm à 300
ppm n'a pas eu d'augmentation significative dans ascorbic la
stabilité acide. Des calculs de régression linéaires, 300
metabisulfite de sodium de ppm résulté dans l'étagère-vie
plus longue de 49 semaines pendant que les échantillons de
contrôle ont eu l'étagère-vie plus courte de 22 semaines.
LE MOTS PRINCIPAL: Ascorbic la stabilité acide;
aurantifolia d'Agrume; le jus de chaux, metabisulfite de sodium,
le benzoate de sodium, l'étagère-vie.
W.H. Oldewage-Theron1*, E. Dicks2
and M. Selepe3
This study formed part of a larger project in which food and
beverage fortification as a way to address specific micronutrient
deficiencies was evaluated in selected subjects in the Vaal
Triangle. The objective of this study was to examine the
suitability of the habit of tea drinking as a vehicle for
fortification. This was achieved through a survey which sought
information about the amount of tea consumed, the type of tea
mostly consumed, additions to the tea, when tea is consumed, the
reasons for tea consumption and preference for tea or other
The study was conducted in a randomly selected sample of 500
male and female Africans, aged 13 to 25 years in the Vaal
Triangle, South Africa. A combination of qualitative and
quantitative research methods were used simultaneously and
sequentially to collect data. Questionnaires were designed in
which open questions addressing the objectives of the research
were validated and sent out to collect the information.
The results showed that most respondents (92.9 %) consumed at
least one cup of tea daily, with rooibos tea selected as
the most popular in this study (50 % of tea consumed). Sugar
(40.4 %) and milk (37.0 %) are added most often to the tea.
Respondents indicated that the preferred times for tea
consumption are at breakfast, early morning and evening.
According to the preference scales of these respondents, tea was
the third most consumed beverage in summer and the first most
consumed beverage in winter.
Key words: fortification, micronutrient deficiencies, tea
1*Corresponding author: Head of Food Department,
Vaal Triangle Technikon, Private Bag X021, Vanderbijlpark 1900,
South Africa. Email:
2Lecturer Food Department, Vaal Triangle
Technikon. Email:
3Lecturer Nutrition Department, Vaal
Triangle Technikon. Email:
W H Oldewage-Theron, E Dicks & M Selepe
Cette étude formé d'un grand projet dans lequel nourriture
et comme une façon adresser spécifique micronutrient a été
évalué dans choisi sujets dans le Vaal . L'objectif de cette
étude était d'examiner le suitability de l'habitude de boire de
thé comme un véhicule pour fortification. Ceci a été atteint
par une étude qui a cherché information de la quantité de thé
consommé, le type de thé surtout , additions au thé, quand
thé est consommé, les raisons pour thé et préférence pour
thé ou autre boissons.
The study was conducted in a randomly selected sample of 500
male and female Africans, aged 13 to 25 years old in the Vaal
Triangle, South Africa. A combination of qualitative and
quantitative research methods were used simultaneously and
sequentially to collect data. Questionnaires were designed in
which open questions addressing the objectives of the research
were validated and sent out to collect the information.
Les résultats ont montré que la plupart des répondants
(92.9 %) a consommé au moins une tasse de thé quotidien, avec
le thé de rooibos a choisi comme le plus populaire dans cette
étude (50 % de thé a consommé). Le sucre (40.4 %) et le lait
(37.0 %) sont ajouté le plus souvent au thé. Répondants a
indiqué que le préféré temps pour thé sont à petit
déjeuner, premier matin et soir. Selon la préférence de ces
répondants, thé était le tiers plus consommé dans été et le
premièrement dans hiver.
Le mots principal: fortification, les déficiences de
micronutrient, la consommation de thé.
Wench Barth Eide2, Siri Damman3
and Unni Silkoset4,
with Elisabet Helsing5 and Arne
This paper reports on some recent
educational innovations on the training in public Nutrition at
the University of Oslo, in the form of three independent but
mutually supportive graduate/postgraduate elective courses:
Global Nutrition, Nutrition and Governance, and, Nutrition and
Human Rights. These courses are offered internationally in
English by the Institute for Nutrition Research, School of
Nutrition, Formally Known as the Nordic School of Nutrition. The
main aim of the courses is to have more Universities training
programs take up the critical contemporary trends that may
increasingly have an impact on the food and nutrition situation
globally, manifested in different ways according to
Global Nutrition is a five-credit course, corresponding to 15
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The course stresses the
importance of applying both a historical perspective and a system
approach in discussing current and changing manifestations and
interpretation of the nutrition problem. This will
help students understand the shifting priorities for research and
action that take place over time.
Nutrition and Governance combines aspects of nutrition policy
formulation, nutrition programming, and assessment of nutritional
impact of broader development initiatives. The students also get
an understanding of the micro-governance exerted by
various institutions that work with food and nutrition problems.
The Nutrition and Human Rights course brings a new notion of
formalized and legally based ethics and morale and thus hope. The
understanding is conveyed, given time, the existing and evolving
norms, mechanisms and how procedures of the international human
rights systems may gradually become internalized. This can occur
through the growing number of democratic governments, most of
which would have ratified the relevant international conventions
establishing food, health and good nutrition as human rights.
A new challenge in the public nutrition community is the
linkage between globalization and human development, nutrition
and human rights, without going deeper into them. Further studies
of such linkages in specific country situations are urgently
needed and call for academic and professional openness towards
interdisciplinary dialogue, research and implementation. Thus
there is indeed progress in nutrition thinking within a global
perspective. The potential role and contributions of African
nutritionists in accelerating this progress is promising and
Key words: Training, Emerging issues, Role of African
Nutritionists and institutions, Food and Nutrition rights.
1An earlier version of this paper was presented at
the IUNS Satellite meeting Progress in Public
Nutrition, 24-26 August, 2001, 17th IUNS
Congress on Nutrition, Vienna, Austria
2Associate Professor, Institute for Nutrition
Research, University of Oslo, overall course coordinator
3Research Fellow, Institute for Nutrition Research,
University of Oslo, former assistant course coordinator
4Assistant Lecturer, Institute for Nutrition
Research, University of Oslo, assistant course coordinator
5Senior Advisor, Norwegian Board of Health,
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
6Associate Professor, Akershus University College,
Bekkestua, Norway
Arne Oshaug1
What can be called `modern' food aid has changed considerably
in the 1990's. It has strong political, agricultural, economic
and trade features. Two publications[1,2], have assessed the
nature of food aid, indicated future challenges and possible
role, and provided recommendations for food aid policy measures.
Also highlighted is the chain of events in the last 15-20 years,
pointing to the transformation of the international system as a
result of political events at national and global level are
addressed. Issues discussed are for example food aid in relation
to human insecurity and humanitarian crisis, poverty, need for
institutional reform, World Trade Organization (WTO) and mounting
globalization, World Food Program, Food Aid Convention,
humanitarian law, human rights and codes of conduct with emphasis
on humanitarian assistance. Food aid as a development tool is
questioned, and what will happen when food aid is drying out. The
books provide a comprehensive analysis and are highly
Key words: Food aid; human security; globalization; human
rights, humanitarian law.
1Associate Professor, Centre for Research on
Health, Society and Environment, Akershus University College,
Ringstabekkveien 105, N-1356 Bekkestua, Norway. Email:
Arne Oshaug
Que peut être appelé `moderne' l'aide de nourriture a
changé considérablement dans le 1990's. Il a fort politique,
agricole, économique et commerce . Deux publications[1,2], a
évalué la nature de nourriture , indiqué avenir et possible ,
et fourni pour nourriture aide règle d'action . Aussi chaîne
d'événements dans le dernier 15-20 années, indiquer à la
transformation de l'international système par suite de politique
événements à national et global niveau sont adressé.
Distribue discuté sont par exemple par rapport à humain
insécurité et humanitaire crise, pauvreté, besoin pour
institutionnel réforme, (WTO) et montant globalization, ,
Nourriture Aide , humanitaire loi, humain droits et codes de
conduite avec accent sur humanitaire assistance. L'aide de
nourriture comme un outil de développement est questionné, et
que qu'arrivera quand l'aide de nourriture sèche hors. Les
livres fournissent une analyse compréhensive et sont
extrêmement recommandés.
Le mots principal: l'aide de Nourriture; la sécurité
humaine; globalization; les droits humains, la loi humanitaire.