Journals Online
Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice
Instructions to Authors
These guidelines are in accordance with the Uniform
Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals, the complete
document of which appears in New England Journal of Medicine Volume 324
Number 6, February 7, 1991, British Medical journal 1991; 302:338-41; as
well as in the first issue of JEMP (April 1999).
1. Manuscript Types:
JEMP publishes Original Articles (Clinical or
laboratory studies), Letters to the Journal/Editor including clinical and other
observations, Case and Case Series reports, Brief Communications or
Correspondence, Review Articles, Commentary, Editorials, and Views/
Perspective. Special Articles other than listed above are also welcomed. In
addition, complementary medicine, lighter side of medicine, poems, clinical and
historical photographs, News, Snippets from other publications, CME, Clinical
Quizzes, Quotations, Consultation through question and answers. The time
between the study/observation period and submission of an article should not be
more than five years.
2. Original Articles:
Original Articles are invited and should be sent to
the Editor, JEMP, P.O.Box 8528, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The language of the
journal is English. The usual format must include an ABSTRACT (with four
paragraphs of aim and background, methods, results and conclusions); MATERIALS
AND METHODS (including sufficient information to permit repetition of
3. Terms of Submission:
Papers must be submitted exclusively to the Journal
on the understanding that they have not been and will not be published
elsewhere. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has
been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the authors’
responsibility to ensure that articles emanating from a particular institution
are submitted with the approval of the necessary authority. Acknowledgement of
any proprietary interest or research funding should be made. Mention also if
the work has been presented during any meeting.
4. Copyright Transmittal:
A letter assigning copyright to ESGMP must be signed
by all authors as evidence of consent to publication. The Editor retains the
right to modify the style and length of a contribution (major changes being
agreed with the author) and to decide the time of publication. Copyright
transmittal forms are available from JEMP office on request, or alternatively ,
the following statement can accompany the transmittal letter:
consideration of JEMP taking action in reviewing and editing my (our) article,
the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all
copyright ownership to the Ethiopian Society of General Medical Practice in the
event that such work is published in the Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice (JEMP).
Authors who work for a government or an NGO should sign similar letter
explaining that the article was prepared as part of official duties as an
officer or employee to that institution.
5. Unsolicited Review Article:
Most of the journal’s clinical review articles are
commissioned (prepared after invitation from the journal), but some articles
are submitted for publication on the author’s initiative or commissioned on the
basis of outlines suggested by authors. Authors wishing to submit a review
article to the journal must first write to, the editorial board; outlining
their suggestion and the topics to be included in the review in about 200 words
and indicating the relevance of the review to the journal. For most review
articles a literature search using a reputable database or index should be
completed prior to writing the article. All review articles should include a
summary and an introduction of 35-40 words to be set in bold as a stand first
(key sentence) and details of the current appointment of each author. Authors
must also supply 5-8 key facts summarizing the major themes of the
paper, and these will appear in a box at the end of the article.
6. Lengths of Articles:
Originalarticles should not exceed 3500 words.
In general review articles are about 1500-2000 words with approximately
15-30 references. Case report should be no more than 1000 words with a
maximum of ten references and three pictures.
7. Copyright Permissions:
Written permission from the copyright holder must be
obtained to reproduce material from other sources. The copyright holder (a) for
a table, illustration or text that has been published previously is the original
publisher; (b) for unpublished photographs is the photographer; (c) for
unpublished photographs taken during the course of employment is the
photographer’s employer. Acknowledgement to the copyright holder must be
included in the appropriate place.
8. Ethics: When reporting experiments on human subjects a
statement must be included that consent was obtained after the nature of the
procedure(s) had been fully explained to the persons concerned. Indicate
whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards
of the ESTC human experimentation or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as
revised in 1983. Do not use patients’ names, initials or hospital numbers,
especially on any illustrative material.
9. Presentation of the Manuscript: Type the manuscript on one
side only of A4 (297 x 210 mm) or 81/2 x 11 in. Paper, with margins of at least
3 cm all round. Use double spacing throughout. Authors may supply the text and
references of a paper on 31/2-inch floppy disk in Word Perfect, word
or Publisher programs in addition to double-spaced print-out. The original and
two copies of the manuscript should be submitted, accompanied by two sets of
illustrations, to aid reviewing. Authors should retain a copy of the paper as
the Editor cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.
10. Title Page: The title should be written in bold or capital
letters. In addition to the title and authors’ names this should carry: (a) the
department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed, (b)
full name, postal address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of the
main author for correspondence, (c) a short running headline of no more than 30
characters including spaces.
11. Abstract and Key Words: An abstract of no more than 200
words should be typed on a separate sheet. Structure the abstract using the
following headings: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Provide
approximately six key words (Preferably from the medical subject heading list
of index Medicus) to assist cross-indexing.
12. Proprietary Statement: If the article discusses in
any way a device, equipment, instrument, or drug, the author(s) must state in a
footnote whether they do or do not have any commercial or proprietary interest
in the product. The author(s) must also reveal whether there was any financial
interest (as a consultant, reviewer, or evaluator) in a drug or device.
13. Statistical Consultation: We recommend that statistical
consultation be obtained as early as possible for studies with statistical
content. The name and affiliation of the statistical consultant, if different
from the author(s), should be included.
14. Letters: Contributions to this section may include comments on
articles published in the JEMP, informative case reports, or other matters of
medical interest. Such letters are subject to editorial review and will be
published as space and editorial priorities permit. Published letters will be
listed by author and title in the table of contents, and authors and subjects
are indexed by the major indexing services. Letters to the editor ordinarily
should not exceed 500 words in length. There should be a maximum of five
references. Two figures or one figure plus one table can be printed. The
typescript should be double-spaced with a ragged right hand margin and
submitted in triplicate. A copyright transmittal letter signed by all authors
must accompany the letter.
15. Units and Abbreviations: The work should be reported
in the metric system, or the units used with the equivalent SI unit in
parentheses where necessary. Abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be
given in full at first mention (e.g. LP: lumbar puncture)
16. References: Number the references consecutively in the
order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify citations of
references using superior numbers (e.g. “as discussed by Smith”; ‘as discussed
elsewhere’). In the reference list use the Harvard style or the examples given
in the article: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical
Journals, the complete document of which appears in the first two issues of
References to journal articles should include (1) author(s) (if more than
five write “et al” after the third name), (2) title, (3) journal name (as
abbreviated in Index Medicus), (4) year, (5) volume number, and (6) inclusive
page numbers, in that order.
References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter
title (if any), (3) editors (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of
publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) page, if indicated.
journal article (List all authors, but if the number exceeds six give six
followed by et al).
You CH, Lee KY, Chey RY, Menguy R.
Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting.
Gastroenterology 1980 Aug; 79(2):311-4.
-Chapters in a book
Weinstein L, Swartz N. Pathologic properties of
invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, editors.
Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. philadelphia: Saunders, 1974:
-Letter to the Editor
Gupta S, Licorish K.
Circulating immune complexes in AIDS [Letter]. N Eng J Med 1984; 310:1530-1.
Journal titles are abbreviated according to index
medicus. Unpublished papers and written personal communications should be cited
in the text in parenthesis. Ethiopian names should not be referenced different
from other names.
Tables: Type each table double-spaced on a separate sheet. Number tables
consecutively in roman numbers in the order of their first citation in the text
and supply a brief title for each so that they may be understood independently
of the text. Give each column a short heading. Explanatory matter (e.g.
abbreviations used) belongs in footnotes, not in the title. For footnote
indicators use superior lower-case letters.
18. Illustrations: Number all illustrations in one sequence in
Arabic numerals. Attach a label to the back of each giving, in red ink, its
number, the author’s name and an arrow indicating the top edge.
Line drawings and graphs. These should be
professionally prepared and detailed explanations belong in the legends, not on
the illustrations themselves.
Photographs. Supply top-quality glossy prints. Any lettering etc.
must contrast well with the background. Photomicrographs must include a scale
mark. Patients should have their identity concealed (including hospitals
numbers and initials) or should have given their written permission to publish.
Radiographs must be submitted as prints. Indicate any figures that should be
the same size as each other or on the same page.
Colour illustrations: The cost of colour
reproduction may be charged to the author. Very sharp contrast is essential for
colour reproduction. If colour slides are used they must be labeled as to which
side is the front and accompanied by two identical sets of colour prints on
which any lettering has been placed. Type legends double-spaced on a separate
sheet. Include an explanation for any symbols, etc. used. Identify the method
of staining in photomicrographs.
19. Photo Essay: Manuscripts for this section should emphasize
the visual aspects of the subject presented. The picture(s) should be of high
quality and should be self-explanatory. The photographs can be of clinical
entities, laboratory studies and findings (eg. smears, histologic sections),
diagnostic techniques (roentgenograms, computed tomographic scans, Magnetic
Resonance Image, Ultransound, etc), therapeutic procedures, or a combination. A
concise essay, limited to 250 words, describing the clinical or laboratory
information, photograph(s), and a brief list of references (five or less), if
pertinent, should be submitted in triplicate.
20. Proofs: One set of page proofs (made camera-ready for the
printer) is sent to the main author, showing the final layout of the paper as
it will appear in the journal. Proofs should be read carefully for errors and
the accuracy of tables figures, legends, references, and mathematical or other
scientific expressions checked. If the proof is not returned within two weeks
of receipt, it will be assumed to be correct.
21. Offprint: Five reprints are supplied free to the principal
author and one extra copy for each co-author. Extra offprint can be supplied at
the author’s expense if ordered.
22. Nomenclature, drugs and percentages: Using the binomial
nomenclature, reference to an organism bacterium must be given in full and
italics, and later reference may show as capitalized or italicized. Drugs
should be mentioned by their generic names, followed, if necessary, by the name
of the proprietary brand and manufacturer in parentheses, e.g. diazepam
(Valium: Roche,UK). The persistent use of percentages is not recommended when
the number of patients of cases of disease is less than one hundred. When used
on occasion for emphasis, the percentage should be preceded by the numbers
involved, e.g. 38/60(63%).
Check list
1. Failure to send
original typed manuscripts plus two copies or electronic copy on a diskette;
three sets of illustrations/photo graphs or original color slide.
2. Failure to
double-space not 1 1/2-spacing entire manuscript (abstract, references,
legends, and tables). Do not justify right margins.
3. References not in
proper format, not in numerical order, or not cited in the text.
5. Title too long.
Make it less than 20-30 words
6. Failure to or to
provide abstract in the four paragraph format and key words (not needed for
7. Incomplete or
improper consent forms for patient photographs; improper or incomplete legends.
8. Failure to include
copyright transmittal form (needed for both original articles and letters to
the editor).
9. Failure to include
all authors’ personal signatures on copyright transmittal form.
10. Failure to
designate the corresponding author and provide phone number and address.
11. Failure to
include consent forms for illustrations previously published elsewhere.
12. Failure to
indicate if authors have propriety interest in products and drugs recommended
in the article.
Abstract Writing
The Preferred style of JEMP
Four Paragraphs in less than 200
and Objective:
background information, and the main question or objective of the study and the
major hypothesis tested, if any. State the importance of the research to your
Materials/ subject
Design Describe the design of the study indicating, as
appropriate, use of randomization, blinding, food standards for diagnostic
tests and temporal direction ( retrospective or prospective).
Setting: Indicate the study setting (hospital, clinic,
community). Also include the level of clinical care; for example, primary or
tertiary, private practice or institutional.
Participants: State selection procedures, entry criteria, and
numbers of participants entering and finishing the study.
Interventions: Describe the essential features of interventions (if
any), including their method and duration of administration.
Outcome Measure(s): The primary study
outcome measures should be indicated as planned before data collection began.
If the hypothesis being reported was formulated during or after data
collection, this fact should be clearly stated.
measurements that are not evident from the nature of the main results and
indicate any blinding. If possible, the results should be accompanied by
confidence intervals (most often the 95% interval) and the exact level of
statistical significance. For comparative studies, confidence intervals should
relate to the difference between groups. Absolute values should be indicated
when risk changes or effect sizes are given.
(and recommendations)
State only those conclusions
of the study that are directly supported by data, along with their clinical
application (avoiding over generalization) or whether additional study is
required before the information should be used in usual clinical settings.
Equal emphasis must be given to positive and negative findings of equal
scientific merit.
Key Words: Provide
approximately 5 to 8 key words (preferably from the medical subject heading
list of index Medicus) to assist cross-Indexing.