INASP Links & Resources INASP HEALTH LINKS: General Health ResourcesDisease Classifications and Listings
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Developed by the World Health Organization, the ICD is the classification used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates. It was designed to promote international comparability in the collection of mortality statistics. The site contains access to the 9th revision that includes all updates through October 2002 and the forthcoming 10th revision. These versions are maintained by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics.
List of Diseases: OrphaNet OrphaNet specializes in rare diseases and orphan drugs. It also provides synonyms, ICD, summary, detailed text, outpatient clinic, support group, clinical laboratory, research program, and links to other websites.
Med Help International (MHI) MHI is a subject index to illnesses and diseases. It includes a medical glossary and is aimed at all who are in need of finding qualified medical information.
MedWeb: Diseases and Conditions This is an extensive list of hypertext links to disease resources on the Internet.
Updated: 03 February 2005 © International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) 1998-2005.