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International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
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Publishing Support Initiatives
INASP provide publishing support through various activities,
as part of the PERI programme and also
in response to requests from other organisations.
Workshops Workshops and training modulesINASP do not have fixed curricula for the publishing training workshops, but plan each workshop to meet the needs of the participants. The available modules are listed here. Strategic Online Publishing for Sri Lanka: a 5-day workshop for journal editors and publishers to be held in Kandy, Sri Lanka, 30 May - 4 June in association with the University of Colombo. This workshop will include modules on strategic publishing and improving editorial processes, and will also include how to build and develop a Sri Lanka journal publishing platform to support online visibility for its journals. University press publishing workshop: a 6-day workshop is being undertaken in Addis Ababa University, 30 May - 5 June. This workshop is being provided to support the Press to develop and implement a strategic plan. The Press will undergo a pre-workshop analysis of their activities, and during the workshop will cover editorial, production and distribution issues, online publishing options, and strategic planning with the objective of producing a plan for the press. Getting The Most From Reviewers: a 3-day workshop for medical editors on improving the reviewing process, including a session on how to provide training to their reviewers. This workshop was held in Entebbe, Uganda, April, 2005, jointly with FAME (Forum for African Medical Editors), and TDR (The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, WHO). From the workshop a series of guidelines for medical editors on improving reviewing will be made available. Electronic Publishing Strategy – using AJOL: Ghana jointly with SIST in September 2015 A series of 3-day INASP workshops covering strategic journal planning plus hands-on content management training for publishing on AJOL. Journal editors/publishers and their production staff are invited to the workshops so that both strategic and practical production questions can be raised, discussed and agreed within the supportive learning environment. AJOL training workshop: Senegal, September 2004. A 1-day INASP workshop on managing content on AJOL for CODESRIA publications. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine Golden Jubilee
Conference. Held in Mumbai, September 2014. This conference provided
comprehensive discussion and debate on issues relating to authorship,
editorship, electronic publishing and the business of publishing a scholarly
journal. INASP helped to support this workshop, and also sponsored an African
journal editor to attend. For Workshop on Open Access: Chennai, India, May 2014. INASP contributed to this workshop organised by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, in conjunction with the Electronic Publishing Trust. Strengthening Editors And Scientists Capabilities In Electronic Publishing: Valparaíso, Chile January 2014. This workshop was jointly organised by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CAICYT) and INASP. For more information, see http://www.icsep.info/ Journal OnLine Familiarisation and planning workshop: Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2013. This single-day workshop allowed delegates to plan the implementation of a Journals OnLine (JOL) Programme for Nepal – for further information on JOLs, see PERI, Component 2. Scholarly Journal Editors Workshop: Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2013. This workshop was held in partnership with the Tribhuvan University Library and the Himalayan Journal of Sciences, and included 20 journal editors from Nepal. Topics covered included writing and editing skills, as well as production and distribution. Publishing in an electronic environment with Prince 2 exam training: October 2015, Nairobi, Kenya. This workshop was held in partnership with the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. Gaining Knowledge and Skills Needed for Scientific Communication and Collaboration: Tbilisi, Georgia, June 2013. INASP contributed to this workshop for researchers within Georgia, which was jointly held by SigmaXi and IWISE (International Women in Science and Engineering). The Sustenance of Library and Information Science (LIS) Journals in West Africa: University of Ibadan, Nigeria, July 2013. This workshop was developed in partnership with the African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. One Day Symposium on Information Technology In Scientific Writing and Publishing: Kenya April 2013. This symposium was developed in partnership with the East Africa Medical Association. Research and writing skills for library, archives and information science authors in Nigeria: October 2015, Ibadan, Nigeria, in association with the African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Scholarly Publishing in Africa : July 2012. In association with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and the African Books Collective (ABC). Following the seminar, a Handbook on Scholarly Publishing is planned for publication in 2014. The Handbook will be co-published by the Foundation and ABC, in association with INASP. (Further information on the workshop) Workshops of Electronic Publishing, Bangalore : March 2002. The course outline, presentations and a detailed list of resources are held on the Indian Academy of Sciences website: www.ias.ac.in/epubworkshop/ Scientific Communication & Publishing in the Information Age: Oxford, May 1999. This international workshop provided a forum where the perspective, the content and the visibility of scholarly communication for marginalised scientific communities could be explored and expressed. Online publishingINASP support journals and other types of content to publish in full text online. Support is given in the form of training and advice, and through the African Journals OnLine Project (AJOPP) as part of the PERI programme, we are supporting 10 journals to publish full text online – see PERI Component 4. PublicationsINASP produce a range of publications, including books, reports and resource guides. Most of these are freely available on the INASP website – see Publications. Publishing resourcesAs INASP continue to develop the publishing workshops, materials will be made available as guide sheets on a variety of topics of use to publishers, editors and all associated with the publication of science information. We welcome suggestions for topics to be included in this series. More information about these resources, and a list of available guide sheets can be found by clicking here. PERIThe Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI), INASP provide support for editors and publishers through two components ("Disseminating national and regional publishing", and "Strengthening Publishing"). For more information about these activities, see Component 2 and Component 4. AJOLThe African Journals OnLine Service was launched by INASP in 1998 to provide African journals with online visibility. The service has been recently re-launched, and some changes have been made to enhance what it offers both journals and researchers. For more information, visit the AJOL pages on the INASP website. INASP Journal Publishing SystemINASP support the worldwide dissemination of regional journals and during the AJOL initiative (see above) has developed a software to manage multiple journal online publishing, based on the Open Journals System created in Canada. This software is now available for download as an Open Source Software – with no payment required. Full details can be found on the information page Technology: INASP have adopted an open source software "Open Journals System" (OJS) which was originally developed by the Public Knowledge Project in Canada (http://www.pkp.ubc.ca/). This has been adapted to manage a large number of journals, and although it is primarily intended to host only article abstracts, it also has the facility to include full text articles. The software enables anyone to load content (if they have been given a password). The only requirements are that the user has access to the internet and some basic training. No special software or computing skills are required. As the technology is open source, it is available for implementation in any region in the world, and INASP are able to provide support to any future projects. See the INASP Journal Publishing System for more information. CARINDEXCARINDEX is another project to promote visibility of national publications on the global Web. It comprises an index of literature published in the Caribbean. For information about the index and to search the database, go to the CARINDEX home page. Contact detailsFurther information available from Pippa Smart at
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