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Secure order form for payment by credit card
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Security Information

Q. How secure is the system?
INASP is employing the services of who use industry standard Internet encryption with 128 bit SSL software developed by RSA Data. They hold a digital certificate from Thawte (an established certification authority) which is compatible with Netscape and Microsoft browsers. When you access the  order form hosted on the secure server your  browser will automatically inform you that encryption is being used*. Furthermore, all data stored on the secure server is encrypted again and protected by a firewall, the specification of which has been recognised by the major banks. Your card details are kept confidential at all times, and none of your orders will be seen by anyone other than INASP.

Security Information
1. Describe encryption used for credit card transactions over the Internet

The secure server uses 128bit SSL encryption with a digital certificate issued by Thawte. This is to encrypt all data as it is transferred over the Internet.

2. Describe internal network partitioning and firewall technology

A dedicated firewall machine (running Windows firewall software) is installed to control access to the secure server. The secure server is isolated from all other networked machines. All credit card numbers stored on the server are encrypted using 3DES encryption.

* The secure page is being accessed by frames if you do not get a secure page message or secure symbol in your browser and are unsure if you have accessed a secure page please click here.

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